

Since 2007



PARKER Transfer Hose 输送软管

派克的高级输送软管可以使每种介质或多或少地从一个地方移动到另一个地方,并点对点移动,是空气还是水,或者是腐蚀性较强的材料,例如研磨剂,酸,化学药品,压缩气体,燃料,油或蒸汽,并且包括许多易于安装的配置。该产品适用于各种工作温度,并支持当今的许多主要工业市场,因为我们的产品适用于各种类型的应用。Parker's superior transfer hoses can move more or less every media from place to place and point to point whether it is air or water, or more aggressive materials such as abrasives, acids, chemicals, compressed gases, fuel, oil or steam and include a number of configurations that are easy to install. This products are suitable for wide ranging operating temperatures and support many of today's major industrial markets, as our products are suitable for use across various types of applications






高压软管不导电 - 2022N
派克高压 2022N 芳纶软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,具有出色的操控性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 69 MPa。

2 部分

PA11芯管高压钢丝软管 - 2240N
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2240N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 43 MPa。

1 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2340N - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2340N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。

2 部分

高压软管 - 2244N
派克高压 2244N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 88 MPa。

6 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2390N - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2390N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 49 MPa。

7 部分

派克 100R7 液压软管 - 510D
派克的 SAE 100R7 软管具有低弯曲力,适用于紧密布线应用,带有快速连接配件以加快安装速度。

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PTFE 软管 919 系列
PTFE 软管具有出色的化学相容性、防潮性、可在较宽的温度范围内工作并提供低摩擦系数以帮助流动。大多数 919 软管可承受高达 450°F 的温度。

39 个零件

GST II 通用空气和水软管
GST II 是一种通用橡胶软管,设计用于空气压缩机和车间空气软管系统,在 212°F 和 300 psi 的应用中传输温和/稀释化学品和水

90 个零件

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7132 系列
液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于在 140°F 和 350 psi 的 7132 系列商业和工业应用中输送、供应和传输丙烷


WILDCATTER 油田石油输送吸油软管,7216E 系列
Wildcatter 油田石油运输吸油软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料,7216E 系列

7 部分

带 ColorGard 的 Black Eagle 软管 - 2580N - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的 Parker 软管 2580N Black Eagle 专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 69 MPa。

1 部分

GRIZZLY 500 非导电多用途耐油软管,7107 系列
Grizzly 500 非导电耐油多用途橡胶软管是一种优质产品,设计用于在 7107 系列 212°F 和 500 psi 的应用中输送空气、温和化学品、油和水。

9 部分

BLUE THUNDER 大直径 UHMWPE 波纹化学品吸入软管,7373T 系列
Blue Thunder 大直径 UHMWPE 波纹化学品吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送多种工业强度的酸、化学品和溶剂,7373T 系列

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液化石油气 LPG 软管,7232 系列
液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于在 140°F 和 350 psi 的应用中散装/大容量供应和输送丙烷,7232 系列

4 部分

SIAMEEZ R 级双线焊接软管,7126 系列
Siameez R 级双线焊接软管设计用于将应用中的乙炔燃料气体和氧气输送至 200 psi,7126 系列

4 部分

耐化学腐蚀厚壁 PTFE 滑膛软管 - 929/929B
与 919/919B 软管相比,929/929B 具有改进的抗扭结性和增强的抗气体渗透性。 929/929B PTFE 软管具有出色的化学相容性、防潮性,并在 -100°F 至 +450°F 的宽温度范围内工作。

8 部分

EZ Form GS 吸入软管,一般服务,7395 系列
EZ Form GS 希腊波纹通用吸入软管是一种柔性软管,设计用于将工业和移动应用中的空气、冷却剂、温和化学品和水输送至 257°F 和 75 psi,7395 系列


NEXBRAID PVC 透明标准壁通用软管,125 系列
Nexbraid PVC 透明标准壁通用软管设计用于在 150°F 和 250 psi 的应用中传输磨料、空气、食品颗粒、卫生产品和饮用水,125 系列


标准负荷吸水软管,7392E 系列
标准负荷吸水软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水,7392E 系列

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DRAGON BREATH II 理发杆蒸汽软管,7285 系列
Dragon Breath II Barber Pole 蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 的 261 psi 饱和蒸汽和 450° 250 psi 过热蒸汽的蒸汽应用,7285 系列

3 部分

波纹 PTFE 软管 - 939/939B
派克波纹 PTFE 软管具有出色的柔韧性和抗扭结性,在化学传输、高温液压和需要紧密布线的软管应用中具有卓越的性能。


快速响应恒压软管 – 575X/575XN 5,000 psi
Parflex 575X 快速响应恒压软管专为海上钻井等需要快速响应时间的应用而设计。

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SUPER-FLEX FL-7 阻隔燃油管路软管,389 系列
Super-Flex FL-7 阻隔燃油管路软管专为 389 系列 257°F 和 100 psi 应用中的发动机燃油供应而设计。

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SUPER-FLEX FL 阻隔燃油管路软管,397 系列
Super-Flex Barrier 燃油管路软管专为 397 系列 257°F 和 100 psi 应用中的发动机燃油供应而设计

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石油和燃料输送软管 - Carbopress N/L 10 - 20
Carbopress N/L 10 - 20 软管专为芳烃含量不超过 50% 的油脂和碳氢化合物而设计。


多用途传输软管 - Python NY/L 30

Python NY/L 30 黄色多用途软管旨在为大多数工业应用提供高效和有效的解决方案,包括那些具有重型任务的应用。

14 部分

汽车燃油管路 - TBSE
TBSE 是一种专为燃料系统中需要低渗透性水平的特殊应用而设计的软管。

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多用途输送软管 - GST II 黑色 15
GST II Black 15 bar 是一种多功能软管,用途广泛且可操作。


高压软管系列 - 2380N - 欧洲
派克高压 2380N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操控性和长使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 75 MPa。

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Tough Cover 超高压软管系列 - 2440D - 欧洲
派克高压 2440D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。工作压力高达 220 MPa。

10 个零件

Push-Lok 自抓式软管 - 830M
派克 830M 软管专为满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求而设计。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 1.6 MPa。


STINGER II 高压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管,7268E 系列
Stinger II 高压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管专为 212°F 和 1000 psi 应用中的空气、温和化学品、油和水而设计,7268E 系列

9 部分

硅胶标准壁高温加热器软管,6722 系列
硅胶标准壁高温加热器软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 350°F 和 83 psi,6722 系列


EZ Form MP 耐油柔性吸入软管,多用途,7219 系列
EZ Form MP 希腊波纹多用途耐油吸入软管是一种极其灵活的软管,专为精炼燃料和油输送而设计,适用于 250°F 和 75 psi 的应用,7219 系列

56 个零件

HURRICANE 高压清洗软管,7258 系列
Hurricane 高压清洗软管专为 7258 系列 250°F 和 3000 psi 应用中的高压服务而设计

6 部分

多用途传输软管 - Python NV/L 20

Python NV/L 20 绿色多用途软管旨在为大多数工业应用提供高效和有效的解决方案,包括那些具有重型任务的应用。

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远程润滑脂软管 3000 psi - HLB
派克 HLB 润滑脂软管是一种经济高效的解决方案,已获得 MSHA 认可,并且比同类橡胶润滑脂软管更紧凑。它专为农业、建筑或移动设备中的润滑脂和润滑管线而设计。

3 部分

超高压软管系列 - 2440N - 欧洲
派克高压 2440N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,具有出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 140 MPa。

4 部分

燃油管路/蒸汽排放软管,395 系列
燃油管路/蒸汽排放软管设计用于 395 系列 257°F 和 75 psi 应用中的发动机燃料供应和蒸汽排放遏制

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汽车冷却软管 - Radior DIN 6(线圈)
Radior DIN 6 设计用于汽车和固定式发动机的冷却系统以及最大 6 bar WP 应用中的制冷剂系统,它完全符合 DIN 73411 规格,最大 ID 25 mm。

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爆炸装载软管 - ANFO 系列
ANFO 炸药装载软管是专门设计的管道,用于将气动装载的炸药输送到爆破孔。

3 部分

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7243 系列
液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于叉车和多用途车辆应用中的丙烷燃料管路服务,压力为 140°F 和 350 psi,7243 系列

4 部分

耐汽油/食品接触软管,NTP 系列
半透明的两用食品接触/汽油软管,带有独特的红色/金色示踪剂,以识别其双重应用。符合 AS/NZS 2070 的食品接触要求。安全系数 4:1。


呼吸空气补充软管 - 527BA
Parkers 的呼吸空气补充软管是一种工作压力为 7,000 psi 的软管。它符合 CGA G7.1-1 E 级呼吸空气标准和 NFPA 1901 对消防设备的要求。

2 部分

聚四氟乙烯软管 - 2030T
派克 2030T 软管旨在满足对液压或介质传输的高要求。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 27.5 MPa。


石油和燃料输送软管 - Carburite 10
Carburite 10 设计用于吸入和输送矿物油和精炼燃料(芳烃含量不超过 50%)

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多用途输送软管 - Oilpress N/L 20-30
Oilpress N/L 20 和 N/L 30 是多用途应用的理想选择,适用于需要输送芳烃含量不超过 50% 的多种流体和石油产品的多种用途。


CNG 低压软管符合 SAE J 30 R6。它是一种带有抗臭氧层的单纤维编织层。

6 部分

Push-Lok 自握式软管 - 838M
派克 838M 软管旨在满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 1.6 MPa。

5 部分

汽车冷却和加热替代燃料管线 - Radior 10
Radior 10 软管设计用于在发动机冷却系统中输送热水。

2 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2440N
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2440N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 86.5 MPa。

8 部分

标准负荷加热器软管,7186 系列
标准负载加热器软管设计用于车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 212°F 和 125 psi,7186 系列

6 部分

超高压水射流软管系列 - 2740D - 欧洲
派克高压 2740D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,具有出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 300 MPa。

5 部分

WILDCATTER 重型干水泥物料输送软管,SS247 系列
Wildcatter 重型干水泥物料输送软管采用 1/4 英寸厚的橡胶管,设计用于在 180°F 和 75 psi 的应用中低压传输干磨料,SS247 系列

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汽车加热器和冷却软管 - 6722 系列
6722 系列是一种软管,设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 177°C 和 5.7 bar 的应用。

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烃类高温耐油排水软管,7200 系列
碳氢化合物高温耐油排放软管设计用于从 7200 系列 350°F 和 350 psi 的清洁应用中产生的储罐/容器中排放/排出热液化残留物

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Super Premi-Air 空气/水软管,SPA系列
Super Premi-Air 空气/水 Parker Super Premi-Air 软管是一种优质、高品质的空气软管。PVC 结构确保重量轻且灵活,便于操作。

1 部分

ARMADA 船用多用途耐油吸入软管,SW569 系列
Armada Marine 多用途耐油吸入软管设计用于船用发动机燃料供应和排气、硬壁湿式排气和其他应用,温度高达 212°F 和 75 psi,SW569 系列


多用途输送软管 - GST II 黑色 20
GST II Black 20 bar 是一种多用途软管,用途广泛且可操作。

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小口径流体输送诊断软管 - 56DH 6000 PSI
Parflex 56DH 诊断软管通过减少系统中的流体体积超过 -4 橡胶软管,提供一流的性能。

2 部分

多用途传输软管 - Jumbo
Jumbo 是一种多用途软管,设计用于在高温下排放多种类型的流体。

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热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Radior 3(线圈)
Radior 3(线圈)设计用于标准工作服务中的冷却和加热系统。


GULLY WASHER PVC 标准负荷平放排水软管,7541 系列
Gully Washer PVC 标准负载平放排水软管设计用于 140°F 和 70 psi 应用中的水输送,7541 系列

7 部分

硅胶标准壁高温冷却剂软管,6750 系列
硅胶标准壁高温冷却液软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 350°F 和 159 psi,6750 系列


饮料和食品输送软管 - Aperspir
Aperspir 是一种抽吸和输送 PVC 软管,设计用于抵抗研磨性和液体食物。

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汽车和船用软管 - Wavemaster
Wavemaster 7165 系列是一种优质船用阻隔燃油管路/排气软管,适用于需要高效发动机的低渗透性水平。

6 部分

Clearspring 透明吸入软管,HSC 系列
Clearspring 透明/钢丝增强吸入软管适用于需要连续弯曲和弯曲的应用,或需要透明、重型软管的应用。食品和饮料接触的理想选择。

12 部分

WILDCATTER 油田热焦油软管,SW387 系列
Wildcatter 油田热焦油软管设计用于在 350°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送热油和焦油,SW387 系列

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物料搬运输送软管 - Beton 80
Beton 80 bar 专为使用高压泵进行混凝土浇筑而设计。

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蓝色条纹冲洗软管 - BSW 系列
Blue Stripe Washdown Premium 冲洗软管专为冷冲洗应用而设计。

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SUPER-FLEX 2000 半硬壁汽油分配器软管,7124 系列
Super-Flex 2000 半硬壁汽油分配器软管设计用于将精炼燃料从动力分配器传输到 180°F 和 50 psi,7124 系列

3 部分

FEP高压软管 - 2380F
派克 2380F 软管专为满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求而设计。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 42.5 MPa。

7 部分

石油和燃料输送软管 - Chemioel EN 12115
Chemioel EN 12115 软管设计用于吸入和输送芳烃含量不超过 50% 的矿物油和燃料。

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重型加热器软管,7181 系列
重型加热器软管设计用于车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 257°F 和 65 psi 的应用,7181 系列

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水管 - Bevera 10
Bevera 10 bar 专为在需要轻质且可靠的柔性软管时抽吸和输送水和非腐蚀性液体而设计。


多用途传输软管 - Python N/L 20
Python N/L 20 黑色多用途软管旨在为大多数工业应用提供高效和有效的解决方案,包括那些具有重型任务的应用。

8 部分

船用软壁湿式排气软管,SS269 系列
船用软壁湿式排气软管设计为排气系统的柔性连接,用于循环、冷却和输送船用发动机应用中的热发动机水和废气至 200°F 和 200 psi,SS269 系列


MPW-1000 高压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管,7204 系列
MPW-1000 高压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管专为 300°F 和 1000 psi 应用中的空气、热材料、温和化学品、水、油和精炼燃料(如生物柴油、柴油、乙醇和汽油)而设计,7204 系列

2 部分

WILDCATTER 油田多用途压裂软管,7331 系列
Wildcatter 油田多用途压裂软管设计用于在 200°F 和 400 psi 的应用中高压输送磨料浆、钻井泥浆、燃料、温和化学溶液、油和水,7331 系列

3 部分

DYNAFLEX PVC 透明吸料软管,7570 系列
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高压软管系列 - 2388N - 欧洲
派克高压 2388N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 80 MPa。

4 部分

WILDCATTER 干水泥物料输送软管,SS135 系列
Wildcatter 干式水泥材料处理软管采用 1/8 英寸厚的橡胶管,设计用于在 180°F 和 65 psi 的应用中重力流/低压输送干磨料,SS135 系列

4 部分

带硅胶护套的静电耗散滑孔 PTFE 软管 - 929BJ
派克的 929BJ 软管采用防静电 PTFE 芯管和棕色硅胶、蒸汽可清洁护套,提供光滑的覆盖层,保护不锈钢丝加强件免受磨损、磨损和污染。

5 部分

Predator 下水道喷射和清洁软管
派克 Predator 下水道喷射和侧向清洁软管专为下水道管道中的清洁和碎屑清除而设计。


SIAMEEZ T 级双线焊接软管,7109 系列
Siameez T 级双线焊接软管设计用于将应用中许多常用的焊接燃料气体和氧气输送至 200 psi,7109 系列

4 部分

高压水喷射软管 - 2580N - 欧洲
派克高压 2580N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 160 MPa。

5 部分

WILDCATTER 油田多用途压裂软管,7311N/7311NXT 系列
7311N/7311NXT 系列 Wildcatter 油田多用途压裂软管设计用于在 200°F 和 400 psi 的应用中高压输送磨料浆、钻井泥浆、燃料、温和化学溶液、油和水。

7 部分

硅胶希腊波纹高温钢丝增强冷却软管,6621 系列
硅胶希腊波纹高温钢丝增强冷却剂软管用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,压力为 75 psi 和 392°F,6621 系列

13 部分

通用传输软管 - B9 系列
派克的 B9 通用传输软管以其卓越的灵活性而著称。它设计用于涉及空气、油、水和冷却剂的低压传输的应用。

12 部分

Pumpflex PVC 吸入软管,PFX 系列

4 部分

ARCTIC EDGE 低温多用途耐油软管,7102 系列
北极边缘低温耐油多用途橡胶软管设计用于在 -70°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送空气、油、水和精炼燃料,例如生物柴油、柴油、乙醇和汽油,7102 系列

7 部分

THORO-BRAID 中压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管,7251 系列
Thoro-Braid 中压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管专为 212°F 和 600 psi 的重载应用中的空气、温和化学品、油和水而设计,7251 系列

5 部分

石油和燃料输送软管 - Carbocord EN 12115
Carbocord EN 12115 适用于输送芳烃含量高达 50% 的油和燃料。

8 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax D SM EN 12115
Poliax D SM EN 12115 是一种中压橡胶软管,设计用于吸入和输送腐蚀性酸和化学品,兼具使用舒适性和保护性。

8 部分

THORO-BRAID PVC 透明通用服务软管,7581 系列
Thoro-Braid PVC 透明通用服务软管设计用于在 140°F 和 355 psi 的应用中传输磨料、空气、食品颗粒、卫生产品和饮用水,7581 系列

9 部分

YELLOW BIRD 高压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管,7284 系列
Yellow Bird 高压钢丝编织多用途耐油软管设计用于 212°F 和 1500 psi 的重载应用中的空气、温和化学品、油和水,7284 系列

9 部分

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7233 系列
液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于叉车和多用途车应用中的丙烷燃料管路服务,应用温度高达 140°F 和 350 psi,7233 系列

1 部分

超高压水喷射软管 - 2640N - 欧洲
派克高压 2640N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 180 MPa。

3 部分

ARCTIC TRANSLITE 低温波纹石油输送吸入软管,SWC325 系列
北极 Translite 低温波纹石油输送吸入软管设计用于在 -67°F 和 150 psi 的应用中吸入、排放和输送油和精炼燃料,SWC325 系列

6 部分

超高压水喷射软管 - 2640D - 欧洲
派克高压 2640D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,具有出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 280 MPa。






充氧软管,7293 系列
充氧软管设计用于铸造应用中的高压氧气喷枪,压力高达 176°F 和 500 psi,7293 系列

6 部分

R 级单线燃气焊接软管,7120 系列
R 级单线燃气焊接软管设计用于在 200°F 和 200 psi 的应用中传输乙炔燃气,7120 系列

5 部分

WILDCATTER 油田高压化学软管,7374 系列
Wildcatter 油田高压化学软管设计用于在 180°F 和 600 psi 的应用中抽吸、排放和输送酸、化学品和溶剂,7374 系列

4 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115 是一款中压软管,采用超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜,专为吸入和输送高腐蚀性流体而设计。

8 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - 7108 系列
7108 系列软管设计用于将高芳烃含量的产品(例如酮溶剂、油漆、油漆稀释剂、油基和水基油漆以及应用中使用的许多常见化学品)输送到 93°C 和 51.7 bar。

2 部分

SOFT-FLEX 2000 软壁汽油分配器软管,7114 系列
Soft-Flex 2000 软壁汽油分配器软管设计用于将精制燃料从动力分配器传输到 180°F 和 50 psi,7114 系列

3 部分

PVC 通用软管,GPH 系列
PVC 通用软管设计用于在 150°F 和 300 psi 系列 GPH 的应用中输送空气、温和化学品和水


T 级单线燃气焊接软管,7141 系列
T 级单线燃气焊接软管设计用于将应用中许多常用的焊接燃气输送至 200°F 和 200 psi,7141 系列

5 部分

热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 Type 2/A
Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 设计用于许多行业的高压饱和蒸汽(+210 °C 时最大 18 bar = +410 °F 时 261 psi)、热水和过热蒸汽。

14 部分

聚四氟乙烯软管 - 2033T
派克 2033T 软管专为满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求而设计。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 27.5 MPa。

7 部分

输水软管 - 540P
Parker 的 540P 具有符合 FDA 标准的聚乙烯芯管。该软管专为饮用水等特种水应用而开发,并已扩展到其他应用,包括二氧化碳传输和两部分泡沫和绝缘应用。

3 部分

带 316 不锈钢编织层的螺旋形 PTFE 软管 - SCW/SCB
派克 SCW 和 SCB 软管是无缝的、低调的、环保的、自排水的并且能够承受极端弯曲。它们适用于流体处理、化学转移、油漆和半导体应用。


酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax D EN 12115
Poliax D EN 12115 是一种中压橡胶软管,设计用于输送腐蚀性酸和化学品,兼具使用舒适性和保护性。

8 部分

多用途传输软管 - Aperfrut 20 - 40 - 80
Aperfrut 是一种 PVC 多用途软管,专为轻化学品的喷涂应用而设计。


轻型喷水软管,SS122 系列
轻型喷水软管设计用于在 180°F 和 500 psi 的应用中输送水,SS122 系列

6 部分

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7231 系列
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4 部分

SW409 系列重型砂回收/真空软管
重型沙子回收/真空软管采用 3/16 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 200 psi 的应用中高压输送沙子和严重磨蚀性材料,SW409 系列

5 部分

标准负荷吸水软管,7392 系列
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9 部分

PWD 压力冲洗软管,7143 系列
PWD 压力冲洗软管设计用于 250°F 和 1500 psi 应用中的中压、高温服务,7143 系列

3 部分

R 级单线氧气焊接软管,7121 系列
R 级单线氧气焊接软管设计用于在 200°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送氧气,7121 系列

5 部分

光滑内径不锈钢编织 PTFE 软管 - STW/STB “True-Bore”
派克的 STW/STB “True-Bore”软管与其他滑孔 PTFE 软管不同,因为这些软管具有较大的内径,可以加快介质通过管子的流动。


饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Blue 10 SM
Gambrinus Blue 10 bar SM 是一种软管,设计用于在各种抽吸和输送应用中处理高脂肪食物、牛奶,包括牛奶收集。

14 部分

热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Radior 3(切割长度)
Radior 3(切割长度)专为标准工作服务中的冷却和加热系统而设计。


DYNAFLEX PVC 透明吸料软管,7564 系列
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9 部分

Chemair Airline Premium 轻巧灵活的航空公司,CAC 系列
Chemair Airline Premium 轻巧灵活的航空公司,具有耐化学性管的额外好处。

14 部分

非导电电缆护套软管,7172 系列
非导电电缆护套软管设计用于将电弧焊应用中的冷却水输送至 212°F 和 200 psi,7172 系列

4 部分

用于超高压水喷射的超高压水喷射软管 - 2840D - 欧洲
派克高压 2840D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和长使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力可达 400 MPa。

4 部分

WILDCATTER 油田细孔旋转钻井软管,7234 系列
Wildcatter 油田细孔旋转钻探软管设计用于在 250°F 和 3000 psi 的应用中高压输送水泥溶液、温和的化学品、油和水,7234 系列

2 部分

WILDCATTER 油田热油管,7301 系列
Wildcatter 油田热油器软管设计用于在 275°F 和 2250 psi 的应用中高压传输热油和石油产品,7301 系列

1 部分

T 级单线氧气焊接软管,7142 系列
T 级单线氧气焊接软管设计用于在 200°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送氧气,7142 系列

6 部分

加强导管软管,7337 系列
加强型导管设计为 180°F 的耐用电缆护套,7337 系列


超高压水射流软管系列 - 2748D - 欧洲
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3 部分

Seedflex 吸水软管,SFX 系列
Seedflex 专为适应严苛的澳大利亚 Airseeder 应用而设计。该软管具有卓越的耐磨性,并具有白色螺旋透明的优点。还使用前缀 SFX-B 备有黑色/透明。

6 部分

SUPER-FLEX 重型吸水软管,7325 系列
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4 部分

SW373 系列大口径 FEP 化学吸管
大直径 FEP 化学品吸入软管设计用于将应用中的许多工业强度酸、化学品和溶剂输送至 300°F 和 500 psi,SW373 系列

6 部分

FLEX-EVER 2000 硬壁汽油分配器软管,7280 系列
Flex-Ever 2000 硬壁汽油分配器软管设计用于将精炼燃料从动力分配器传输到 180°F 和 50 psi,7280 系列

3 部分

加强导管软管,7337M 系列
加强型导管设计为 180°F 的耐用电缆护套,7337M 系列

12 部分

标准型排水软管,7306E 系列
标准负荷排水软管设计用于 180°F 和 150 psi 应用中的水输送,7306E 系列

5 部分

GULLY WASHER PVC 中型平放排水软管,7542 系列
Gully Washer PVC 中型平放排水软管设计用于在 140°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水,7542 系列

7 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Vinitress
Vinitress 是一种透明 PVC 软管,专为输送液态食品和饮料内容物以及卫生产品而设计。

12 部分

7261 系列无水氨软管
无水氨软管设计用于在 180°F 和 350 psi 的应用中输送无水氨,7261 系列

4 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Enorex
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8 部分

管道软管 - Aspirex
Aspirex 设计用于多种不同材料的抽吸以及许多行业和市场的集中抽吸设备。

14 部分

DRAGON BREATH 250 耐油蒸汽软管,7288 系列
Dragon Breath 250 耐油蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 261 psi 饱和蒸汽和 450° 250 psi 过热蒸汽的蒸汽应用,7288 系列

5 部分

超高压软管系列 - 2749D
派克高压 2749D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 301 MPa。

2 部分

物料搬运输送软管 - Libeccio EN ISO 3861
Libeccio EN ISO 3861 设计用于处理干湿磨料和粉末。


汽车空气制动软管 - Airbrake DIN 74310
Airbrake DIN 74310 专为符合 DIN 74310 规范的空气制动回路而设计。

3 部分

气体软管 - Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20
Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20 适用于液化石油气 (LPG)。

4 部分

DYNAFLEX PVC 标准负荷吸入软管,7560 系列
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9 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax UPE con SM OND EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115 是一种中等压力和极其灵活的软管,由于其超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜和波纹罩,设计用于吸入和输送高腐蚀性流体。

8 部分

MAXIFLEX 大口径轻型空气软管,7308E 系列
Maxiflex 大直径轻型空气软管设计用于在 212°F 和 300 psi 的应用中进行空气传输,7308E 系列

6 部分

SUPER-FLEX 大直径波纹真空软管,7363 系列
Super-Flex 大直径波纹真空软管采用 3/16 英寸厚的橡胶管,设计用于在 160°F 和 100 psi 的应用中输送高磨蚀性材料,7363 系列

5 部分

水管 - Multirex
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高压软管系列 - 2240D - 欧洲
派克高压 2240D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操控性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 120 MPa。

13 部分

多用途传输软管 - EZ Form MP
EZ Form MP 多用途耐油软管是为 OEM 和售后市场相关的多功能、解决方案驱动型产品而设计和制造的。

10 个零件

多用途输送软管 - GST II 红色 15
GST II Red 15 bar 是一种多功能软管,用途广泛且可操作。

9 部分

高压芳纶软管 - 2022N - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2022N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 34.5 MPa。

8 部分

汽车冷却软管 - EZ Form GS
EZ Form GS 冷却软管是
为 OEM 和售后市场相关

14 部分

加热和冷却软管 - Radior K 1003
Radior K 1003 设计用于加热和冷却系统,可耐受高达 +100 °C (+212 °F) 且峰值高达 +120 °C (+248 °F) 的 ASTM I/II/III 油和柴油最高 +50 °C (+122 °F)。

12 部分

热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Thermopress 10
Thermopress 10 设计用于输送最高温度为 +120 °C (+248 °F) 的热水、非腐蚀性热液体和蒸汽。

9 部分

蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 3 系列 – SH2PM
热蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 3 / BS 5342。三元乙丙橡胶软管的工作压力为 16 巴,最高可达 205 摄氏度。三元乙丙橡胶管和盖子可耐受高压蒸汽和热水应用。

7 部分

WILDCATTER 波纹底泥和废油田抽吸/真空软管,7213E 系列
Wildcatter 波纹底部沉积物和废油田抽吸/真空软管设计用于在恶劣的油田废坑回收应用中将石油废物、沉积物、污泥、泥浆和水输送到 185°F 和 150 psi,7213E 系列

5 部分

派克高压 2648N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 160 MPa。

2 部分

喷砂软管,7244 系列
喷砂软管采用厚橡胶管和厚壁,用于在 160°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送沙子和其他高磨蚀性材料,7244 系列

6 部分

Airmaster 符合 IS 446。空气处理软管
Airmaster 软管按照 IS 446 类型 3 规格制造,设计符合行业要求,也适用于恒压应用,具有耐磨和耐臭氧的黄色外罩。

7 部分

废气和燃油管路 - SM TR 311
SM TR 311 专为船用废气系统和加油服务而设计。

6 部分

SOFT-FLEX 柴油机尾气处理液 (DEF) 分配器软管,7116M 系列
Soft-Flex 柴油机排气液 (DEF) 分配器软管设计用于将柴油机排气液从动力分配器输送到 212°F 和 150 psi,7116M 系列

4 部分

高压水喷射软管,SS111 系列
高压水喷射软管设计用于在 180°F 和 800 psi 的应用中高速传输水或浆液,SS1111 系列

6 部分

汽车燃油软管 - TBE
TBE 专为需要软管织物罩的燃油系统而设计。

2 部分

7393 系列大直径波纹物料搬运/岩石除尘软管
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10 个零件

液化石油气软管符合 BS 4089 : 1989 TYPE 1
LPG 软管符合 BS 4089:1989 TYPE 1 是一种带抗臭氧盖的单线软管。

8 部分

WHIPPET 200 多用途耐油软管,7137 系列
Whippet 200 多用途耐油软管专为输送空气、油和水而设计,非常适合轻型鞭端服务、工业工作台工作和空气管线,适用于 212°F 和 200 psi 的应用,7137 系列

2 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115
Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115 是一种中压吸排软管,设计用于处理所有饮料、动物或植物油脂、医药和卫生材料。

8 部分

FEP 高压软管 - 2246F
派克 2246F 软管专为满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求而设计。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 41.5 MPa。

7 部分

液化石油气蒸汽软管,7122 系列
液化石油气蒸汽软管专为轻型丙烷蒸汽管线服务而设计,适用于 140°F 和 125 psi 的轻型应用,7122 系列

1 部分

非导电软壁炉门冷却软管,7385 系列
非导电软壁炉门冷却剂软管设计用于将高环境温度铸造应用中的冷却水输送至 212°F(内部)/572°F(外部)和 150 psi,7385 系列

6 部分

水管 - Idro 10
Idro 10 bar 设计用于在需要基本且耐用的柔性软管时排放水和非腐蚀性液体。

10 个零件

爆炸性乳液分配软管。系列 - EDHPN
EDHPN-24PM 是一种带有高耐磨管和盖的爆炸性乳液分配软管。

1 部分

高温强力冲洗软管 - 1035HT

1 部分

硅胶厚壁高温加热器软管,6723 系列
硅胶厚壁高温加热器软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 350°F 和 83 psi,6723 系列

7 部分

Coalmaster Fras 黄色空气/水 FRAS 额定软管,FSA 系列
Coalmaster Fras 黄色空气/水 FRAS(防火、抗静电)等级软管由专为地下采煤行业开发的轻质、高耐磨聚合物制成。

2 部分

气体管线 - Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20
Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20 设计用于输送焊接和相关工艺气体。


汽车尿素软管 - Carboblue N/L 10 - 20
Carboblue N/L 10 - 20 专门设计用于在 SCR 系统的罐和分配器之间输送尿素水溶液。

10 个零件

饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Blue 10
Gambrinus Blue 10 专为处理高脂肪食品、牛奶而设计,适用于各种转移和输送应用,包括牛奶收集。

13 部分

单线焊接和清理氧气软管,7229T 系列
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4 部分

水管 - Prescord N/R 10
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7 部分

硅胶重型高温冷却液软管,6751 系列
硅胶重型高温冷却液软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,应用温度高达 350°F 和 159 psi,6751 系列

39 个零件

GREEN LABEL 波纹石油输送吸入软管,7705 系列
Green Label 波纹油田石油运输吸油软管设计用于在 180°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输生物柴油、石油和精炼燃料,7705 系列

7 部分

硅胶超高温增压空气冷却器软管,6823 系列
硅胶超高温增压空气冷却器软管设计用于连接、对齐和传输来自重型发动机应用增压系统的热废气,温度为 500°F 和 25 psi,6823 系列

4 部分

高压软管系列 - 2248D
派克高压 2248D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操控性和长使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 150 MPa。

6 部分

蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 2 系列 – SH1PM
热蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 2 / BS 5342。EPDM 软管的工作压力为 10 巴,最高可达 184 摄氏度。EPDM 管和盖子可抵抗蒸汽和水的应用。

7 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Drinkpress WB/L 10
Drinkpress WB/L 10 bar 设计用于输送液体食品和饮料内容物以及用于食品加工中的清洁目的。

5 部分

大口径液化石油气 LPG 软管,SS106 系列
大直径液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于在 140°F 和 350 psi 的应用中散装/大容量供应和输送丙烷,SS106 系列

5 部分

X-TREME 低温液化石油气 LPG 软管,7132XTC 系列
X-treme 低温液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于在商业和工业应用中输送、供应和输送丙烷,压力为 -65°F 和 350 psi,7132XTC 系列

2 部分

过时的飞灰软管,7363PM 系列
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3 部分

用于弧焊系统的惰性气体软管,7123 系列
用于弧焊系统的惰性气体软管设计用于将电弧焊应用中的惰性/惰性气体输送至 200°F 和 200 psi,7123 系列

2 部分

空气软管 - Miniera 20 bar MSHA
Miniera 20 bar MSHA 专为需要阻燃功能的各种行业和应用中的空气和水而设计。


高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2448M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2448M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 103.5 MPa。

3 部分

燃气软管 - Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10
Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10 设计用于将家用电器连接到燃气管道或瓶子。

2 部分

DAY-FLO 重型排水软管,7306H 系列
Day-Flo 重型排水软管设计用于在 212°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送水,7306H 系列








双传感软管,7140 系列
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1 部分

BLUE RIBBON 高压清洗软管,7247 系列
Blue Ribbon 高压清洗软管设计用于 250°F 和 1500 psi 的中等压力应用,7247 系列

2 部分

DAY-LITE 波纹物料输送抽吸和真空软管,8341 系列
Day-Lite 大型波纹材料处理抽吸和真空软管采用厚橡胶管,设计用于在 180°F 和 75 psi 的应用中输送高磨蚀性材料,8341 系列

6 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2370N
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2370N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 43 MPa。

1 部分

高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2640M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2640M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 103.5 MPa。

1 部分

Turf Master 输水软管,HSL 系列
Turf Master Water Delivery 优质软管,适用于通用水应用。原始 PVC 材料在低温下提供出色的柔韧性。终身制造保证

6 部分

DYNAFLEX PVC 波纹透明吸料软管,7563 系列
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5 部分

SUPER MPT II 非导电多用途耐油软管,7396 系列
Super MPT II 非导电多用途耐油软管设计用于在 212°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送空气、温和化学品、油和水,7396 系列。

3 部分

WILDCATTER 低压冲洗软管,7360 系列
Wildcatter 低压冲洗软管设计用于 212°F 和 150 psi 应用中的中压服务,7360 系列

2 部分

EZ Form HT 耐高温柔性吸入软管,7399 系列
EZ Form HT 希腊波纹高温耐油吸入软管是一种极其灵活的耐热软管,设计用于将发动机应用中的热油输送至 302°F 和 150 psi,7399 系列

10 个零件

软壁农用泵软管,7175 系列
软壁农场泵软管设计用于将精炼燃料从重力进料储罐或动力分配器转移到 180°F 和 50 psi,7175 系列

2 部分

Cropflex 极其灵活的中型软管,CFX 系列
Cropflex 极其灵活的中型软管,适用于抽吸和低压输送。用于农业和化学喷洒设备,也适用于废物收集罐车和输水。

4 部分

已淘汰:用于超高压水喷射的超高压水喷射软管 - 2841D
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1 部分

硬壁炉门冷却液吸入软管,7386 系列
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1 部分

农药/除草剂高压喷雾软管,HPW 系列
农药/除草剂 黑色覆盖重型高压喷雾软管,适用于大多数农业喷雾或家用农药喷雾应用。

5 部分

NEXSPRAY PVC/聚氨酯喷雾软管,202 系列
Nexspray PVC/聚氨酯喷雾软管设计用于在 150°F 和 600 psi 的应用中高压喷雾/传输稀释的烃类化学品、除草剂、杀虫剂和水,202 系列

5 部分

NEXBRAID PVC 饮用水旁通软管,128 系列
Nexbraid PVC 饮用水旁通软管设计为在 150°F 和 250 psi 的 128 系列管道施工、维护和维修期间用于供水的临时导管

6 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Red 10 SM
Gambrinus Red 10 bar SM 是用于固定和移动安装的食品级啤酒和葡萄酒抽吸和输送软管。

13 部分

DRAGON BREATH 优质紧凑型蒸汽软管,7286C 系列
Dragon Breath 优质紧凑型蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 的 261 psi 饱和蒸汽和 450° 250 psi 过热蒸汽的蒸汽应用,7286C 系列

3 部分

透明乙烯管,CVT 系列
透明乙烯基管 适用于在低压下运行的食品和饮料管线、通用低压输送管线、轻型虹吸管线、电缆保护和排水管线。符合 AS/NZS 2070 的食品接触要求。

6 部分

Oilflex 重型吸油软管,OFX 系列

3 部分

NEXSPRAY PVC 喷雾软管,268 系列
Nexspray PVC 喷雾软管设计用于在 150°F 和 600 psi 的应用中对化学品、除草剂、杀虫剂和水进行高压喷雾/传输,268 系列

0 部分

汽车空气制动软管 - Airbrake SAE J 1402-A
Airbrake SAE J 1402-A 专为符合 SAE J 1402-A 规范的空气制动回路而设计。

2 部分

石油和燃料输送软管 - EZ Form HT
EZ Form HT 是一种高温石油基吸油/回油软管,设计和制造为适用于 OEM 和售后市场相关的多功能、解决方案驱动的产品。

5 部分

NEXSPRAY PVC/聚氨酯喷雾软管,203 系列
Nexspray PVC/聚氨酯喷雾软管设计用于在 150°F 和 800 psi 的应用中高压喷雾/传输稀释的烃基化学品、除草剂、杀虫剂和水,203 系列

4 部分

7262 系列无水氨软管
7262 系列是一种轻型无水氨输送软管。软管结构采用耐腐蚀的高强度尼龙编织物。穿孔的盖子耐磨损,双绿色条纹提供颜色编码识别。

6 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2448N - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2448N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 103.5 MPa。

2 部分

NEXBRAID PVC 透明重型通用服务软管,126 系列
Nexbraid PVC 透明重型通用服务软管设计用于在 150°F 和 350 psi 的应用中传输磨料、空气、食品颗粒、卫生产品和饮用水,126 系列

7 部分

Milkflex 食品接触吸料软管,MFX 系列
用于无毒应用。适合用作奶罐车吸入和输送软管。符合 AS/NZS 2070 标准。食物接触清晰,带有白色螺旋。

2 部分

石油和燃料输送软管 - Cervino EN 12115
Cervino EN 12115 是一种用于矿物油和燃料的抽吸和输送橡胶软管,可在最恶劣的寒冷气候条件下使用。

4 部分

NEXAQUA PVC 透明饮用水软管,162 系列
Nexaqua PVC 透明饮用水软管设计用于将露营车和船舶应用中的饮用水输送至 150°F 和 150 psi,162 系列

1 部分

液化丙烷气和天然气软管 - 8LPG
派克 8LPG 软管旨在满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。用于液化丙烷气。

8 部分

物料搬运输送软管 - Intonacatrici 40
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4 部分

非增强导管软管,7338 系列
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6 部分

EWC777 系列大直径定制重型物料输送波纹吸入软管
大直径定制重型材料处理波纹吸入软管包含一个 5/16 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,用于在 150°F 和 150 psi 的应用中传输研磨材料,EWC777 系列

12 部分

单线焊接和熔接燃气软管,7228T 系列
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2 部分

Spraychem 喷涂软管,SPW 系列

Spraychem 专为害虫防治和农业化学喷雾应用而设计。其轻质结构使其适用于大多数喷涂应用,在这些应用中,灵活性和易于操作性是必不可少的。

4 部分

硅胶极端高温加热器软管,6724 系列
硅胶极端高温加热器软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,应用温度高达 500°F 和 83 psi,6724 系列

12 部分

制冷剂软管符合 SAE J 2064 标准
517PM 制冷剂软管是专有设计,并根据 SAE J 2064 规范进行测试,带有耐磨和耐臭氧罩。

5 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2380N
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2380N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 69 MPa。

3 部分

NEXAQUA PVC 白色饮用水软管,164 系列
Nexaqua PVC 白色饮用水软管设计用于将露营和海洋应用中的饮用水输送至 150°F 和 150 psi,164 系列

2 部分

带 ColorGard 的 Golden Eagle 软管 - 2580M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2580M 金鹰软管专为安全、多功能和高效而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 69 MPa。

1 部分

Deadman 双传感软管,7139 系列
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1 部分

Tough Cover 超高压软管系列 - 2448D - 欧洲
派克高压 2448D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 325 MPa。

1 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax F EN 12115
Poliax F EN 12115 是一种软管,设计用于在高温下承受极具腐蚀性和危险的流体,最大限度地提高性能并最大限度地降低潜在风险。

8 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax Pharma
Poliax Pharma 是一种硅胶软管,专为药品和化妆品的抽吸和输送而设计。

7 部分

用于超高压水喷射的超高压水喷射软管 - 2848D - 欧洲
派克高压 2848D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 320 MPa。

2 部分

BS&W 底部沉积物和废油田抽吸/真空软管,7208E 系列
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3 部分

大直径定制重型挖泥机套筒,ES908 系列
大直径定制重型挖泥套管采用 1/2 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于将高磨蚀性材料应用转移到 150°F 和 150 psi,ES908 系列


热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Calore Plus
Calore Plus 设计用于处理和输送最高温度为 140 °C (+248 °F) 的热水、非腐蚀性热液体和蒸汽(间歇服务)。

8 部分

硅胶高温增压空气冷却器软管,6824 系列
硅胶高温增压空气冷却器软管设计用于连接、对齐和传输来自重型发动机应用增压系统的进气至 350°F 和 25 psi,6824 系列

4 部分

GOLD LABEL 飞机加油软管,7776 系列
金标飞机加油软管设计用于在 180°F 和 300 psi 的应用中供应和输送飞机燃料,7776 系列

7 部分

CARBOBLUE 柴油机尾气处理液 (DEF) 吸入软管,7215 系列
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1 部分

SIAMEEZ Grade RM 双线焊接软管,7110 系列
注意:此产品不再可用 - 请参阅此页面的“推荐产品”部分以获取替代产品,或联系我们以获得进一步的帮助。

2 部分

燃油分配软管符合 BS EN 1360。 系列 – BSPHPM
BSPHPM 燃料分配软管按照规范 BSEN 1360 类型 3, 2013 制造。软管用于分配汽油、汽油、柴油等燃料。

4 部分

高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2440M
用于石油和天然气行业的 Parker 2440 M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 86.5 MPa。

6 部分

GOLD LABEL Jac-Riser 飞机加油吸入软管,7777 系列
金标 Jac-Riser 飞机加油吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 300 psi 的应用中供应和输送飞机燃料,7777 系列

4 部分

用于超高压水喷射的超高压水喷射软管 - 2849D - 欧洲
派克高压 2849D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。工作压力高达 380 MPa。

1 部分

带 316 不锈钢编织层的厚壁波纹 PTFE 软管 - SCWV/SCBV
SCWV/SCBV 厚壁波纹 PTFE 软管的壁厚比 SCW/SCB 软管更重,使其能够在高温下处理真空应用。


NEXVA EVA 透明通用服务软管,450 系列
Nexva EVA 透明通用服务软管设计用于在 125°F 和 300 psi 的应用中传输研磨剂、无水氨、化学品、除草剂、杀虫剂、水和各种介质,450 系列

6 部分

蓝色 Adflex 航空软管,HAL 系列
Blue Adflex Airline Flexible 是一种轻型航空软管。它为不需要 10mm Chemair 更高工作压力的用户提供了一种经济的选择。符合 AS/NZS 2554 B 类要求。

1 部分

高压软管系列 - 2380M
派克高压 2380M 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 110 MPa。

2 部分

高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2380M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2380M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 69 MPa。

2 部分

GOLD LABEL 飞机加油软管,7775 系列
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4 部分

GOLD LABEL 低温飞机加油软管,7776CT 系列
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7 部分

大直径定制重型挖泥机套筒,ES907 系列
大直径定制重型挖泥套管采用 3/8 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 150 psi 的 ES907 系列疏浚应用中输送高磨蚀性材料


汽车燃油软管 - 395 系列 SAE J30R7
395 系列 SAE J30R7 设计用作大多数发动机的燃油管路/蒸汽排放软管。

0 部分

聚氨酯反冲软管 - 系列 HUMCER
Parker HUMCE Recoil 软管是聚氨酯反冲软管,反冲直径小,抗冲击性好。

50 个零件

CNG -25 条钢丝编织软管
CNG 软管符合 SAE J 30 R6。它是一种带有抗臭氧层的单线编织物。

6 部分

DuraGard 阻燃聚氨酯软管 - 83FR
83FR 阻燃软管是派克最耐用的多用途阻燃软管,适用于空气和水。它已被 MSHA 接受并经常用于机器人焊接应用。


下水道清洗软管 - ESH
派克高压 ESH 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。工作压力高达 25 MPa。

7 部分

Flare-Seal 厚壁波纹 PTFE 软管
Flare-Seal 组件通过提供平滑、清洁的连接和防止细菌滞留来增加流量。它们可提供不锈钢编织层、聚丙烯编织层或其他可选编织层,用于流体处理和油漆应用。


派克高温软管专为高压清洁应用而开发,工作温度高达 100 °C (212 °F),具有出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 125 MPa。

4 部分

物料搬运输送软管 - Cergom
Cergom 软管是一种特殊产品,旨在解决磨料处理中最严苛的应用。派克专利


适用于具有极端化学和温度的应用。派克 9A、9M 和 9P 已在工厂焊接并准备安装。Parflex 金属软管组件是无泄漏的全真空软管,可提供最大 12" ID 的尺寸,具体取决于样式。

1 部分

机油和燃油软管 - Pelican EN 1765 S15 型
Pelican 是一种符合 EN 1765 S15 的软管,专为加油作业而设计。
Pelican 经过测试并配备
派克大口径压接接头,以实现更快的服务。不得与 LPG 和 CNG 一起使用。

7 部分

用于 DEF 传输的电加热 SCR 软管
SCR 软管组件设计用于在整个选择性催化还原 (SCR) 系统中加热和输送 DEF(柴油机尾气处理液;或 AdBlue)。派克的软管采用独特的挤压护套和包覆成型制成,以提供保护。

1 部分

NEXAQUA PVC 水管,160 系列
Nexaqua PVC 水管设计用于在 150° 和 150 psi 的应用中喷洒/输送水,160 系列

2 部分

NEXAQUA PVC 水管,161 系列
Nexaqua PVC 水软管设计用于在 150° 和 100 psi 的应用中喷洒/输送水,161 系列

1 部分

PVC 灭火器增压软管,167 系列
PVC 灭火器增压软管设计用于 150°F 和 250 psi 的便携式灭火器装置,167 系列

2 部分

高压钢丝软管 Chemjec - 2240M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2240M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 43 Mpa。

1 部分

高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2340M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2340M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 69 MPa。

1 部分

高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2370M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2370M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严格要求和期望。工作压力高达 43 MPa。

1 部分

高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2390M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2390M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 34.5 MPa。

2 部分

高压钢丝软管 - 2640N
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2640N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 86.5 MPa。

1 部分

硅胶高温冷却液吸入软管,6623 系列
硅胶高温钢丝增强冷却剂软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,应用温度高达 392°F 和 300 psi,6623 系列

17 部分

Nexsyn EPDM/TPV 软管设计用于在 180°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送空气、饮料、食品、温和化学品、卫生产品和饮用水,715 系列

3 部分

FLEX-EVER 阻隔硬壁汽油分配器软管,7282 系列
Flex-Ever Barrier 汽油分配器软管设计用于在将精制燃料从动力分配器转移到 180°F 和 150 psi 的过程中环保、低蒸汽渗透,7282 系列

3 部分

大口径重型定制排水软管,ES104 系列
大直径重型定制排水软管设计用于在 180°F 和 175 psi 的应用中输送水,ES104 系列

9 部分

ES115 系列大口径轻型定制排水软管
大直径轻型定制排水软管设计用于在 180°F 和 100 psi 的应用中输送水,ES115 系列

9 部分

大直径定制重型石油排放软管,ES145 系列
大直径定制重型石油排放软管设计用于在 180°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送油和燃料,ES145 系列

5 部分

定制重型船用软壁湿式排气软管,ES269 系列
定制船用软壁湿式排气软管设计为排气系统的柔性连接,用于循环、冷却和传输船用发动机应用中的热发动机水和废气至 200°F 和 200 psi,ES269 系列

4 部分

Elephant Trunk 大直径定制物料搬运软管,ES937 系列
Elephant Trunk 大直径定制物料输送软管采用 1/8 英寸厚的橡胶管,设计用于在 180°F 和 65 psi 的应用中对研磨材料进行重力/跌落服务,ES937 系列

17 部分

大口径轻型定制吸水软管,EW300 系列
大直径轻型定制吸水软管专为在 180°F 和 125 psi 的应用中输送水而设计,EW300 系列

12 部分

大口径重型定制吸水软管,EW301 系列
大直径重型定制吸水软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水,EW301 系列

9 部分

EXACTA PIPE 大直径定制重型物料输送吸入软管,EW336 系列
Exacta 管道大直径定制重型材料处理吸料软管采用 1/4 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 100 psi 的应用中输送高磨蚀性材料,EW336 系列


大直径定制重型石油服务码头软管,EW339 系列
大直径定制重型石油服务码头软管设计用于在 180°F 和 200 psi 的应用中将油和燃料输送到 50% 的芳烃含量,EW339 系列

4 部分

大口径定制重型油罐车软管,EW353 系列
大直径定制重型油罐车软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中将油和燃料输送到 50% 的芳烃含量,EW353 系列

3 部分

大直径定制重型石油服务码头软管,EW355 系列
大直径定制重型石油服务码头软管设计用于在 180°F 和 250 psi 的应用中将油和燃料输送到 50% 的芳烃含量,EW355 系列

5 部分

大口径重型定制热风软管,EW360 系列
大直径重型定制热空气软管设计用于在 300°F 和 100 psi 的应用中传输热空气,EW360 系列






大口径定制重型石化码头软管,EW399 系列
大直径定制重型石化码头软管设计用于在 180°F 和 250 psi 的应用中将化学品、油和燃料输送到 100% 芳烃含量,EW399 系列

5 部分

大直径定制重型热熔硫船坞软管,EW460 系列
大直径定制重型热熔硫船坞软管设计用于将应用中的热熔硫输送至 300°F 和 200 psi,EW460 系列

3 部分

大直径定制重型热焦油和沥青码头软管,EW499 系列
大直径定制重型热焦油和沥青码头软管设计用于在 350°F 和 200 psi 的应用中传输热沥青、油和焦油,EW499 系列

4 部分

大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管,EW708 系列
大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管采用 3/8 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送磨料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EW708 系列

17 部分

大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管,EW709 系列
大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管采用 ” 厚天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送磨料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EW709 系列

17 部分

大直径定制重型物料输送波纹吸管,EWC334 系列
大直径定制重型材料处理波纹吸入软管包含一个 1/8 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,用于在 150°F 和 135 psi 的应用中输送磨料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EWC334 系列

8 部分

大直径定制重型石油服务波纹码头软管,系列 EWC439
大直径定制重型石油服务波纹码头软管设计用于在 180°F 和 225 psi 的应用中将油和燃料输送到 50% 的芳烃含量,EWC439 系列

5 部分

大直径定制重型波纹真空软管,EWC789 系列
大直径定制重型波纹真空软管包含一个 1/4 英寸厚的橡胶管,用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中传输高磨蚀性材料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EWC789 系列

4 部分

大直径定制标准负荷波纹真空软管,EWC888 系列
大直径定制标准负载波纹真空软管包含一个 1/8 英寸厚的橡胶管,用于在 150°F 和 75 psi 的应用中传输高磨蚀性材料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EWC888 系列

5 部分

LW701 系列大口径重型定制消防车吸入软管
LW701 系列大直径重型定制消防车吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水

7 部分

LW720 系列大直径重型定制波纹消防车吸入软管
LW720 系列大直径重型定制波纹消防车吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水

6 部分

大口径定制重型油田吸泥软管,TKW160 系列
大直径定制重型油田泥浆吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 100 psi 的应用中输送高磨蚀性钻井泥浆,TKW160 系列

5 部分

WAVEMASTER 船用屏障燃油管路软管,7165 系列
Wavemaster Marine Barrier 燃油管路软管设计用于船用发动机燃油管路和排气,适用于 212°F 和 100 psi 的应用,7165 系列

5 部分

油漆流体软管,7108 系列
油漆流体软管设计用于输送高芳烃含量的产品,例如酮溶剂、油漆、油漆稀释剂、油基和水基油漆以及在 200°F 和 750 psi 的应用中使用的许多常见化学品,7108 系列

3 部分

快速响应恒压软管 – 578X 7,000 PSI
Parflex 578X 快速响应软管具有非导电尼龙护套,旨在抵抗电流流动和 5,000 psi 恒定工作压力。

3 部分

水管 - Fucino 20
该产品不再可用 - 请与我们联系以获得进一步的帮助。

5 部分

STEAM-LANCE 250 紧凑型蒸汽软管
Steam-Lance 250 紧凑型蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 的蒸汽应用,用于 261 psi 的饱和蒸汽和 450° 的蒸汽应用,用于 250 psi 的过热蒸汽

4 部分

MPT II 非导电多用途耐油软管
MPT II 非导电多用途耐油软管设计用于在 212°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送空气、温和化学品、油和水


DAY-FLO 多用途耐油软管
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TRANSLITE 石油运输吸入软管
Translite 石油运输吸入软管设计用于在 200°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料。

17 部分

STEAM-LANCE 250 蒸汽软管
Steam-Lance 250 蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 的蒸汽应用,适用于 261 psi 的饱和蒸汽和 450° 的蒸汽应用,适用于 250 psi 的过热蒸汽

14 部分

SUPER-FLEX GS 大直径通用服务空气和水软管
Super-Flex GS 大直径通用空气和水软管设计用于在 212°F 和 200 psi 的应用中传输空气、温和化学品和水

6 部分

WILDCATTER 油田石油运输排放软管
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12 部分

WILDCATTER 波纹油田石油输送吸油软管
Wildcatter 波纹油田石油运输吸油软管设计用于在 200°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料。

10 个零件

TITANFLEX 波纹石油运输抽吸软管
Titanflex 波纹石油运输吸入软管设计用于在 200°F 和 250 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料

13 部分

Titanflex 改性 XLPE 波纹化学品吸入软管设计用于在 250°F 和 250 psi 的应用中输送多种工业强度的酸、化学品和溶剂

13 部分

Wildcatter 油田 UHMWPE 波纹化学品吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 250 psi 的应用中输送许多工业强度的酸、化学品和溶剂

12 部分

派克低温热塑性液压软管在低温下具有最佳性能,特别适用于在低温低至 -70°F 的寒冷气候中需要灵活性的应用。可作为单个或粘合软管组件使用。

19 部分

带有 Nomex 编织层的无缝缠绕 PTFE - NCW/NCB
带有 nomex 编织层的 PTFE 软管消除了 RFI 问题,并且与金属软管组件相比,它们也更不容易因应力或弯曲而开裂。

10 个零件

已淘汰:水肺潜水呼吸空气软管 - Diver 100 EN 250
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3 部分

已淘汰:空气软管 - Miniera 40 bar
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4 部分

已淘汰:水管 - Aperflat MB
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已淘汰:热空气软管 - Airtemp 220
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5 部分

已淘汰:饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Black SM 10
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7 部分

已淘汰:热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Vapore 164 EN ISO 6134 Type 1/A
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8 部分

已淘汰:物料搬运输送软管 - 水泥 SM 10
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6 部分

已淘汰:物料搬运输送软管 - 水泥 713 10
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6 部分

已淘汰:液化气输送软管 - Gastruck EN 1762 DM
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6 部分

已淘汰:飞机加油软管 - Jetcord B ISO 1825
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7 部分

已淘汰:飞机加油软管 - Jetcord E ISO 1825
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7 部分

已淘汰:石油和燃料输送软管 - Ragusa 4
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5 部分

已淘汰:液化气输送软管 - Robur GPL
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9 部分

已淘汰:飞机加油软管 - Jetcord F ISO 1825
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7 部分

已淘汰:空气软管 - Miniera 10 bar
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6 部分

已淘汰:热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Inglas +
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已淘汰:石油和燃料输送软管 - Oilplus 30
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7 部分

超高压喷水软管 - 55,000 psi - 2849D
派克 2849D 软管专为带有水或研磨添加剂的超高压水射流切割设备而开发。

1 部分

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2 部分

Tough Cover 超高压水喷射软管 - 2440D/2448D
派克喷水软管可承受高达 43,000 psi (3000 bar) 的压力

6 部分

超高压软管 - 2440N/2448N
具有低体积膨胀的高压 Polyflex 软管,适用于控制液、酸化、甲醇注入和油井增产等海上应用。

5 部分

高压水喷射软管 - 2640D
超高压 2640D 喷水软管可承受高达 40,600 psi (4,000 bar) 的压力。

2 部分

高压管清洗 - 喷水软管 - 2240D/2248D
高压 2240D/2248D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发

7 部分

超高压水射流软管 - 2740D/2748D/2749D
派克超高压软管可承受高达 40,000 psi (3,000 bar) 的压力。

4 部分

超高压水喷射软管 - 58,000 psi - 2840D
派克 2840D 和 2848D 软管专为处理压力高达 58,000 psi (4,000 bar) 的高压和超高压应用而开发。

4 部分

超高压喷水软管 - 2440N
派克 2440N 喷水软管的工作压力高达 20,000 psi (1400 bar),是水力爆破应用的理想选择。

5 部分

派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2022N
Parker 2022N 是 Polyflex 的 10,000 psi 恒压软管,专为液压应用而设计。

5 部分

派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2380N/2388N
派克 2380N 和 2388N 高压液压软管具有低体积膨胀,可作为双线软管使用。


派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2390N
派克 7,000 psi 液压软管在压力下具有低尺寸变化,从而具有出色的响应时间。

10 个零件

小口径高压微型液压软管 – 2020N
派克高压微型液压软管具有紧凑的软管外径,可用于 7,000 psi 以下的微型液压应用。

2 部分

已淘汰:ChemJec 液压脐带软管 - 2440M/2448M/2640M
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8 部分

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2 部分

超高压喷水软管 - 2380N/2388N
派克 2380N/2388N 喷水软管的工作压力高达 18,000 psi (1200 bar),是去除污垢和油漆的理想选择。

7 部分

派克液压软管 – 520N/528N
派克的 520N/528N 热塑性液压软管在 100R8 软管中具有最佳软管性能,可显着降低针孔故障的可能性。


已过时:带哑光盖的通用液压软管 - 540N
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7 部分

已淘汰:57CR 系列“Sea Wolf”高抗塌软管 5000 psi
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4 部分

高压软管 - 580N/588N
580N/588N 高压挠性软管符合 SAE 100R8 规范,外径比 100R2 更小,重量更轻,可在需要更高柔韧性、流体兼容性和外罩耐用性的地方替代 100R2 橡胶软管。

9 部分

TOUGHJACKET 590TJ 紧凑型液压软管具有 5000-2000 psi 的工作压力、较长的连续长度(长达 500 英尺),可与 56 系列全球接头一起使用。

9 部分

压缩天然气软管 - 导电 - 5CNG
鉴于 CSA (NA) 和 ECR (EMEA) 对 CNG 软管的批准,Parflex 在天然气汽车和加油站 CNG 市场的全球影响力使 OEM 收入增长通过向多个地区销售。

5 部分

压缩天然气软管 - 调节压力 - CNGRP
Parflex CNGRP 软管是唯一完全通过 CSA 认证的灵活流体输送系统。在振动/移动应用中,与不锈钢管相比,该产品的灵活性降低了保修成本。

2 部分

D6R/D6RX 3,000 psi 液压软管 - 长连续长度
D6R/D6RX 软管比橡胶软管轻 40%,D6RX 的连续长度可达 500 英尺。超过 SAE 100R17 要求。

10 个零件

热塑性软管 - HFSR 橡胶包覆软管
HFSR 橡胶包覆的紧凑型软管可抵抗扭结和芯部冲刷,并符合 SAE J517 100R1AT 要求,工作压力高达 3,263。


PTFE 高压液压软管组件
派克的 PTFE 高压液压软管组件具有出色的化学相容性、防潮性和处理高达 5,500 psi 的压力。它们设计用于高温液压和化学转移应用


Eliminator Hybrid 软管 - HTB/HTBR
Parflex HTB Eliminator Hybrid 软管在 7000 psi 液压软管应用中表现出色。

12 部分

594TJ TOUGHJACKET 是一种 4,000 psi 软管,具有最大的耐磨性。符合 SAE 100R19。提供长而连续的长度。

5 部分

已淘汰:超高压水射流软管系列 - 2741D

1 部分

飞机加油软管 - Jetcord C ISO 1825
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7 部分

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6 部分

已淘汰:制冷剂软管 - 510A
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8 部分

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7170 系列
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2 部分

派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2340N-24

1 部分

已淘汰:带 EPDM 橡胶盖的滑膛氟聚合物软管 - RCTW/RCTB
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已淘汰:Highjack Jackline 混合软管 - HJK
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1 部分

已淘汰:小直径软管 - 515H
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2 部分

硅胶高温冷却软管,6620 系列
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3 部分

TITANFLEX 食品和饮料抽吸软管,SW640 系列
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6 部分

Dragon Breath 热空气软管设计用于在 350°F 和 200 psi 的 SW360 系列干燥材料装载/卸载应用中传输热空气

5 部分

食品和饮料吸水软管,SW430 系列
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5 部分

食品和饮料抽吸/热风软管,SW319 系列
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5 部分

Deadman 双传感软管,7138 系列
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1 部分

软壁农用泵软管,7174 系列
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2 部分

HARVEST PLUS 抗压食品和饮料吸水软管,SM382 系列
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5 部分

TITANFLEX 食品和饮料抽吸软管,SW630 系列
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5 部分

WORT HOG 轻型啤酒软管,SS197 系列
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0 部分

啤酒软管,SS200 系列
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5 部分

HDW 重型冲洗软管,7080 系列
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2 部分

ECW 标准负荷冲洗软管,7079 系列
ECW 经济型冲洗软管设计用于 212°F 和 300 psi 应用中的中压服务,7079 系列

2 部分

混凝土浇筑软管,7236 系列
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1 部分

CERGOM 8800 系列重磨料处理抽吸和真空软管
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1 部分

GOLIATH 混凝土、灌浆和石膏软管,SS201 系列
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充氧软管,7293 系列
充氧软管设计用于铸造应用中的高压氧气喷枪,压力高达 176°F 和 500 psi,7293 系列

6 部分

R 级单线燃气焊接软管,7120 系列
R 级单线燃气焊接软管设计用于在 200°F 和 200 psi 的应用中传输乙炔燃气,7120 系列

5 部分

WILDCATTER 油田高压化学软管,7374 系列
Wildcatter 油田高压化学软管设计用于在 180°F 和 600 psi 的应用中抽吸、排放和输送酸、化学品和溶剂,7374 系列

4 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115 是一款中压软管,采用超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜,专为吸入和输送高腐蚀性流体而设计。

8 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - 7108 系列
7108 系列软管设计用于将高芳烃含量的产品(例如酮溶剂、油漆、油漆稀释剂、油基和水基油漆以及应用中使用的许多常见化学品)输送到 93°C 和 51.7 bar。

2 部分

SOFT-FLEX 2000 软壁汽油分配器软管,7114 系列
Soft-Flex 2000 软壁汽油分配器软管设计用于将精制燃料从动力分配器传输到 180°F 和 50 psi,7114 系列

3 部分

PVC 通用软管,GPH 系列
PVC 通用软管设计用于在 150°F 和 300 psi 系列 GPH 的应用中输送空气、温和化学品和水


T 级单线燃气焊接软管,7141 系列
T 级单线燃气焊接软管设计用于将应用中许多常用的焊接燃气输送至 200°F 和 200 psi,7141 系列

5 部分

热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 Type 2/A
Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 设计用于许多行业的高压饱和蒸汽(+210 °C 时最大 18 bar = +410 °F 时 261 psi)、热水和过热蒸汽。

14 部分

聚四氟乙烯软管 - 2033T
派克 2033T 软管专为满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求而设计。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 27.5 MPa。

7 部分

输水软管 - 540P
Parker 的 540P 具有符合 FDA 标准的聚乙烯芯管。该软管专为饮用水等特种水应用而开发,并已扩展到其他应用,包括二氧化碳传输和两部分泡沫和绝缘应用。

3 部分

带 316 不锈钢编织层的螺旋形 PTFE 软管 - SCW/SCB
派克 SCW 和 SCB 软管是无缝的、低调的、环保的、自排水的并且能够承受极端弯曲。它们适用于流体处理、化学转移、油漆和半导体应用。


酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax D EN 12115
Poliax D EN 12115 是一种中压橡胶软管,设计用于输送腐蚀性酸和化学品,兼具使用舒适性和保护性。

8 部分

多用途传输软管 - Aperfrut 20 - 40 - 80
Aperfrut 是一种 PVC 多用途软管,专为轻化学品的喷涂应用而设计。


轻型喷水软管,SS122 系列
轻型喷水软管设计用于在 180°F 和 500 psi 的应用中输送水,SS122 系列

6 部分

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7231 系列
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4 部分

SW409 系列重型砂回收/真空软管
重型沙子回收/真空软管采用 3/16 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 200 psi 的应用中高压输送沙子和严重磨蚀性材料,SW409 系列

5 部分

标准负荷吸水软管,7392 系列
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9 部分

PWD 压力冲洗软管,7143 系列
PWD 压力冲洗软管设计用于 250°F 和 1500 psi 应用中的中压、高温服务,7143 系列

3 部分

R 级单线氧气焊接软管,7121 系列
R 级单线氧气焊接软管设计用于在 200°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送氧气,7121 系列

5 部分

光滑内径不锈钢编织 PTFE 软管 - STW/STB “True-Bore”
派克的 STW/STB “True-Bore”软管与其他滑孔 PTFE 软管不同,因为这些软管具有较大的内径,可以加快介质通过管子的流动。


饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Blue 10 SM
Gambrinus Blue 10 bar SM 是一种软管,设计用于在各种抽吸和输送应用中处理高脂肪食物、牛奶,包括牛奶收集。

14 部分

热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Radior 3(切割长度)
Radior 3(切割长度)专为标准工作服务中的冷却和加热系统而设计。


DYNAFLEX PVC 透明吸料软管,7564 系列
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9 部分

Chemair Airline Premium 轻巧灵活的航空公司,CAC 系列
Chemair Airline Premium 轻巧灵活的航空公司,具有耐化学性管的额外好处。

14 部分

非导电电缆护套软管,7172 系列
非导电电缆护套软管设计用于将电弧焊应用中的冷却水输送至 212°F 和 200 psi,7172 系列

4 部分

用于超高压水喷射的超高压水喷射软管 - 2840D - 欧洲
派克高压 2840D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和长使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力可达 400 MPa。

4 部分

WILDCATTER 油田细孔旋转钻井软管,7234 系列
Wildcatter 油田细孔旋转钻探软管设计用于在 250°F 和 3000 psi 的应用中高压输送水泥溶液、温和的化学品、油和水,7234 系列

2 部分

WILDCATTER 油田热油管,7301 系列
Wildcatter 油田热油器软管设计用于在 275°F 和 2250 psi 的应用中高压传输热油和石油产品,7301 系列

1 部分

T 级单线氧气焊接软管,7142 系列
T 级单线氧气焊接软管设计用于在 200°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送氧气,7142 系列

6 部分

加强导管软管,7337 系列
加强型导管设计为 180°F 的耐用电缆护套,7337 系列


超高压水射流软管系列 - 2748D - 欧洲
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3 部分

Seedflex 吸水软管,SFX 系列
Seedflex 专为适应严苛的澳大利亚 Airseeder 应用而设计。该软管具有卓越的耐磨性,并具有白色螺旋透明的优点。还使用前缀 SFX-B 备有黑色/透明。

6 部分

SUPER-FLEX 重型吸水软管,7325 系列
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4 部分

SW373 系列大口径 FEP 化学吸管
大直径 FEP 化学品吸入软管设计用于将应用中的许多工业强度酸、化学品和溶剂输送至 300°F 和 500 psi,SW373 系列

6 部分

FLEX-EVER 2000 硬壁汽油分配器软管,7280 系列
Flex-Ever 2000 硬壁汽油分配器软管设计用于将精炼燃料从动力分配器传输到 180°F 和 50 psi,7280 系列

3 部分

加强导管软管,7337M 系列
加强型导管设计为 180°F 的耐用电缆护套,7337M 系列

12 部分

标准型排水软管,7306E 系列
标准负荷排水软管设计用于 180°F 和 150 psi 应用中的水输送,7306E 系列

5 部分

GULLY WASHER PVC 中型平放排水软管,7542 系列
Gully Washer PVC 中型平放排水软管设计用于在 140°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水,7542 系列

7 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Vinitress
Vinitress 是一种透明 PVC 软管,专为输送液态食品和饮料内容物以及卫生产品而设计。

12 部分

7261 系列无水氨软管
无水氨软管设计用于在 180°F 和 350 psi 的应用中输送无水氨,7261 系列

4 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Enorex
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8 部分

管道软管 - Aspirex
Aspirex 设计用于多种不同材料的抽吸以及许多行业和市场的集中抽吸设备。

14 部分

DRAGON BREATH 250 耐油蒸汽软管,7288 系列
Dragon Breath 250 耐油蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 261 psi 饱和蒸汽和 450° 250 psi 过热蒸汽的蒸汽应用,7288 系列

5 部分

超高压软管系列 - 2749D
派克高压 2749D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 301 MPa。

2 部分

物料搬运输送软管 - Libeccio EN ISO 3861
Libeccio EN ISO 3861 设计用于处理干湿磨料和粉末。


汽车空气制动软管 - Airbrake DIN 74310
Airbrake DIN 74310 专为符合 DIN 74310 规范的空气制动回路而设计。

3 部分

气体软管 - Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20
Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20 适用于液化石油气 (LPG)。

4 部分

DYNAFLEX PVC 标准负荷吸入软管,7560 系列
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9 部分

酸和化学品输送软管 - Poliax UPE con SM OND EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115 是一种中等压力和极其灵活的软管,由于其超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜和波纹罩,设计用于吸入和输送高腐蚀性流体。

8 部分

MAXIFLEX 大口径轻型空气软管,7308E 系列
Maxiflex 大直径轻型空气软管设计用于在 212°F 和 300 psi 的应用中进行空气传输,7308E 系列

6 部分

SUPER-FLEX 大直径波纹真空软管,7363 系列
Super-Flex 大直径波纹真空软管采用 3/16 英寸厚的橡胶管,设计用于在 160°F 和 100 psi 的应用中输送高磨蚀性材料,7363 系列

5 部分

水管 - Multirex
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高压软管系列 - 2240D - 欧洲
派克高压 2240D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操控性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 120 MPa。

13 部分

多用途传输软管 - EZ Form MP
EZ Form MP 多用途耐油软管是为 OEM 和售后市场相关的多功能、解决方案驱动型产品而设计和制造的。

10 个零件

多用途输送软管 - GST II 红色 15
GST II Red 15 bar 是一种多功能软管,用途广泛且可操作。

9 部分

高压芳纶软管 - 2022N - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2022N 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 34.5 MPa。

8 部分

汽车冷却软管 - EZ Form GS
EZ Form GS 冷却软管是
为 OEM 和售后市场相关

14 部分

加热和冷却软管 - Radior K 1003
Radior K 1003 设计用于加热和冷却系统,可耐受高达 +100 °C (+212 °F) 且峰值高达 +120 °C (+248 °F) 的 ASTM I/II/III 油和柴油最高 +50 °C (+122 °F)。

12 部分

热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Thermopress 10
Thermopress 10 设计用于输送最高温度为 +120 °C (+248 °F) 的热水、非腐蚀性热液体和蒸汽。

9 部分

蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 3 系列 – SH2PM
热蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 3 / BS 5342。三元乙丙橡胶软管的工作压力为 16 巴,最高可达 205 摄氏度。三元乙丙橡胶管和盖子可耐受高压蒸汽和热水应用。

7 部分

WILDCATTER 波纹底泥和废油田抽吸/真空软管,7213E 系列
Wildcatter 波纹底部沉积物和废油田抽吸/真空软管设计用于在恶劣的油田废坑回收应用中将石油废物、沉积物、污泥、泥浆和水输送到 185°F 和 150 psi,7213E 系列

5 部分

派克高压 2648N 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 160 MPa。

2 部分

喷砂软管,7244 系列
喷砂软管采用厚橡胶管和厚壁,用于在 160°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送沙子和其他高磨蚀性材料,7244 系列

6 部分

Airmaster 符合 IS 446。空气处理软管
Airmaster 软管按照 IS 446 类型 3 规格制造,设计符合行业要求,也适用于恒压应用,具有耐磨和耐臭氧的黄色外罩。

7 部分

废气和燃油管路 - SM TR 311
SM TR 311 专为船用废气系统和加油服务而设计。

6 部分

SOFT-FLEX 柴油机尾气处理液 (DEF) 分配器软管,7116M 系列
Soft-Flex 柴油机排气液 (DEF) 分配器软管设计用于将柴油机排气液从动力分配器输送到 212°F 和 150 psi,7116M 系列

4 部分

高压水喷射软管,SS111 系列
高压水喷射软管设计用于在 180°F 和 800 psi 的应用中高速传输水或浆液,SS1111 系列

6 部分

汽车燃油软管 - TBE
TBE 专为需要软管织物罩的燃油系统而设计。

2 部分

7393 系列大直径波纹物料搬运/岩石除尘软管
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10 个零件

液化石油气软管符合 BS 4089 : 1989 TYPE 1
LPG 软管符合 BS 4089:1989 TYPE 1 是一种带抗臭氧盖的单线软管。

8 部分

WHIPPET 200 多用途耐油软管,7137 系列
Whippet 200 多用途耐油软管专为输送空气、油和水而设计,非常适合轻型鞭端服务、工业工作台工作和空气管线,适用于 212°F 和 200 psi 的应用,7137 系列

2 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115
Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115 是一种中压吸排软管,设计用于处理所有饮料、动物或植物油脂、医药和卫生材料。

8 部分

FEP 高压软管 - 2246F
派克 2246F 软管专为满足液压或介质传输应用的高要求而设计。它们提供可靠性、多功能性和高度定制化,是生产环境的理想选择。工作压力高达 41.5 MPa。

7 部分

液化石油气蒸汽软管,7122 系列
液化石油气蒸汽软管专为轻型丙烷蒸汽管线服务而设计,适用于 140°F 和 125 psi 的轻型应用,7122 系列

1 部分

非导电软壁炉门冷却软管,7385 系列
非导电软壁炉门冷却剂软管设计用于将高环境温度铸造应用中的冷却水输送至 212°F(内部)/572°F(外部)和 150 psi,7385 系列

6 部分

水管 - Idro 10
Idro 10 bar 设计用于在需要基本且耐用的柔性软管时排放水和非腐蚀性液体。

10 个零件

爆炸性乳液分配软管。系列 - EDHPN
EDHPN-24PM 是一种带有高耐磨管和盖的爆炸性乳液分配软管。

1 部分

高温强力冲洗软管 - 1035HT

1 部分

硅胶厚壁高温加热器软管,6723 系列
硅胶厚壁高温加热器软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于 350°F 和 83 psi,6723 系列

7 部分

Coalmaster Fras 黄色空气/水 FRAS 额定软管,FSA 系列
Coalmaster Fras 黄色空气/水 FRAS(防火、抗静电)等级软管由专为地下采煤行业开发的轻质、高耐磨聚合物制成。

2 部分

气体管线 - Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20
Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20 设计用于输送焊接和相关工艺气体。


汽车尿素软管 - Carboblue N/L 10 - 20
Carboblue N/L 10 - 20 专门设计用于在 SCR 系统的罐和分配器之间输送尿素水溶液。

10 个零件

饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Blue 10
Gambrinus Blue 10 专为处理高脂肪食品、牛奶而设计,适用于各种转移和输送应用,包括牛奶收集。

13 部分

单线焊接和清理氧气软管,7229T 系列
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4 部分

水管 - Prescord N/R 10
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7 部分

硅胶重型高温冷却液软管,6751 系列
硅胶重型高温冷却液软管设计用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,应用温度高达 350°F 和 159 psi,6751 系列

39 个零件

GREEN LABEL 波纹石油输送吸入软管,7705 系列
Green Label 波纹油田石油运输吸油软管设计用于在 180°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输生物柴油、石油和精炼燃料,7705 系列

7 部分

硅胶超高温增压空气冷却器软管,6823 系列
硅胶超高温增压空气冷却器软管设计用于连接、对齐和传输来自重型发动机应用增压系统的热废气,温度为 500°F 和 25 psi,6823 系列

4 部分

高压软管系列 - 2248D
派克高压 2248D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,结合了出色的操控性和长使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达 150 MPa。

6 部分

蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 2 系列 – SH1PM
热蒸汽软管符合 IS 10655:1999 类型 2 / BS 5342。EPDM 软管的工作压力为 10 巴,最高可达 184 摄氏度。EPDM 管和盖子可抵抗蒸汽和水的应用。

7 部分

饮料和食品输送软管 - Drinkpress WB/L 10
Drinkpress WB/L 10 bar 设计用于输送液体食品和饮料内容物以及用于食品加工中的清洁目的。

5 部分

大口径液化石油气 LPG 软管,SS106 系列
大直径液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于在 140°F 和 350 psi 的应用中散装/大容量供应和输送丙烷,SS106 系列

5 部分

X-TREME 低温液化石油气 LPG 软管,7132XTC 系列
X-treme 低温液化石油气 LPG 软管设计用于在商业和工业应用中输送、供应和输送丙烷,压力为 -65°F 和 350 psi,7132XTC 系列

2 部分

过时的飞灰软管,7363PM 系列
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3 部分

用于弧焊系统的惰性气体软管,7123 系列
用于弧焊系统的惰性气体软管设计用于将电弧焊应用中的惰性/惰性气体输送至 200°F 和 200 psi,7123 系列

2 部分

空气软管 - Miniera 20 bar MSHA
Miniera 20 bar MSHA 专为需要阻燃功能的各种行业和应用中的空气和水而设计。


高压 ChemJec 软管 - 2448M - 欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的派克 2448M 软管专为安全性、多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的严苛要求和期望。工作压力高达 103.5 MPa。

3 部分

燃气软管 - Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10
Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10 设计用于将家用电器连接到燃气管道或瓶子。

2 部分

DAY-FLO 重型排水软管,7306H 系列
Day-Flo 重型排水软管设计用于在 212°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送水,7306H 系列





大口径定制重型石化码头软管,EW399 系列
大直径定制重型石化码头软管设计用于在 180°F 和 250 psi 的应用中将化学品、油和燃料输送到 100% 芳烃含量,EW399 系列

5 部分

大直径定制重型热熔硫船坞软管,EW460 系列
大直径定制重型热熔硫船坞软管设计用于将应用中的热熔硫输送至 300°F 和 200 psi,EW460 系列

3 部分

大直径定制重型热焦油和沥青码头软管,EW499 系列
大直径定制重型热焦油和沥青码头软管设计用于在 350°F 和 200 psi 的应用中传输热沥青、油和焦油,EW499 系列

4 部分

大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管,EW708 系列
大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管采用 3/8 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送磨料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EW708 系列

17 部分

大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管,EW709 系列
大直径定制重型挖泥机/吸沙软管采用 ” 厚天然橡胶管,设计用于在 150°F 和 200 psi 的应用中输送磨料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EW709 系列

17 部分

大直径定制重型物料输送波纹吸管,EWC334 系列
大直径定制重型材料处理波纹吸入软管包含一个 1/8 英寸厚的天然橡胶管,用于在 150°F 和 135 psi 的应用中输送磨料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EWC334 系列

8 部分

大直径定制重型石油服务波纹码头软管,系列 EWC439
大直径定制重型石油服务波纹码头软管设计用于在 180°F 和 225 psi 的应用中将油和燃料输送到 50% 的芳烃含量,EWC439 系列

5 部分

大直径定制重型波纹真空软管,EWC789 系列
大直径定制重型波纹真空软管包含一个 1/4 英寸厚的橡胶管,用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中传输高磨蚀性材料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EWC789 系列

4 部分

大直径定制标准负荷波纹真空软管,EWC888 系列
大直径定制标准负载波纹真空软管包含一个 1/8 英寸厚的橡胶管,用于在 150°F 和 75 psi 的应用中传输高磨蚀性材料,例如碎屑、砾石、岩石和沙子,EWC888 系列

5 部分

LW701 系列大口径重型定制消防车吸入软管
LW701 系列大直径重型定制消防车吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水

7 部分

LW720 系列大直径重型定制波纹消防车吸入软管
LW720 系列大直径重型定制波纹消防车吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送水

6 部分

大口径定制重型油田吸泥软管,TKW160 系列
大直径定制重型油田泥浆吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 100 psi 的应用中输送高磨蚀性钻井泥浆,TKW160 系列

5 部分

WAVEMASTER 船用屏障燃油管路软管,7165 系列
Wavemaster Marine Barrier 燃油管路软管设计用于船用发动机燃油管路和排气,适用于 212°F 和 100 psi 的应用,7165 系列

5 部分

油漆流体软管,7108 系列
油漆流体软管设计用于输送高芳烃含量的产品,例如酮溶剂、油漆、油漆稀释剂、油基和水基油漆以及在 200°F 和 750 psi 的应用中使用的许多常见化学品,7108 系列

3 部分

快速响应恒压软管 – 578X 7,000 PSI
Parflex 578X 快速响应软管具有非导电尼龙护套,旨在抵抗电流流动和 5,000 psi 恒定工作压力。

3 部分

水管 - Fucino 20
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5 部分

STEAM-LANCE 250 紧凑型蒸汽软管
Steam-Lance 250 紧凑型蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 的蒸汽应用,用于 261 psi 的饱和蒸汽和 450° 的蒸汽应用,用于 250 psi 的过热蒸汽

4 部分

MPT II 非导电多用途耐油软管
MPT II 非导电多用途耐油软管设计用于在 212°F 和 300 psi 的应用中输送空气、温和化学品、油和水


DAY-FLO 多用途耐油软管
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TRANSLITE 石油运输吸入软管
Translite 石油运输吸入软管设计用于在 200°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料。

17 部分

STEAM-LANCE 250 蒸汽软管
Steam-Lance 250 蒸汽软管设计用于 406°F 的蒸汽应用,适用于 261 psi 的饱和蒸汽和 450° 的蒸汽应用,适用于 250 psi 的过热蒸汽

14 部分

SUPER-FLEX GS 大直径通用服务空气和水软管
Super-Flex GS 大直径通用空气和水软管设计用于在 212°F 和 200 psi 的应用中传输空气、温和化学品和水

6 部分

WILDCATTER 油田石油运输排放软管
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12 部分

WILDCATTER 波纹油田石油输送吸油软管
Wildcatter 波纹油田石油运输吸油软管设计用于在 200°F 和 150 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料。

10 个零件

TITANFLEX 波纹石油运输抽吸软管
Titanflex 波纹石油运输吸入软管设计用于在 200°F 和 250 psi 的应用中输送、转移和运输石油和精炼燃料

13 部分

Titanflex 改性 XLPE 波纹化学品吸入软管设计用于在 250°F 和 250 psi 的应用中输送多种工业强度的酸、化学品和溶剂

13 部分

Wildcatter 油田 UHMWPE 波纹化学品吸入软管设计用于在 180°F 和 250 psi 的应用中输送许多工业强度的酸、化学品和溶剂

12 部分

派克低温热塑性液压软管在低温下具有最佳性能,特别适用于在低温低至 -70°F 的寒冷气候中需要灵活性的应用。可作为单个或粘合软管组件使用。

19 部分

带有 Nomex 编织层的无缝缠绕 PTFE - NCW/NCB
带有 nomex 编织层的 PTFE 软管消除了 RFI 问题,并且与金属软管组件相比,它们也更不容易因应力或弯曲而开裂。

10 个零件

已淘汰:水肺潜水呼吸空气软管 - Diver 100 EN 250
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3 部分

已淘汰:空气软管 - Miniera 40 bar
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4 部分

已淘汰:水管 - Aperflat MB
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已淘汰:热空气软管 - Airtemp 220
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5 部分

已淘汰:饮料和食品输送软管 - Gambrinus Black SM 10
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7 部分

已淘汰:热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Vapore 164 EN ISO 6134 Type 1/A
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8 部分

已淘汰:物料搬运输送软管 - 水泥 SM 10
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6 部分

已淘汰:物料搬运输送软管 - 水泥 713 10
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6 部分

已淘汰:液化气输送软管 - Gastruck EN 1762 DM
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6 部分

已淘汰:飞机加油软管 - Jetcord B ISO 1825
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7 部分

已淘汰:飞机加油软管 - Jetcord E ISO 1825
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7 部分

已淘汰:石油和燃料输送软管 - Ragusa 4
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5 部分

已淘汰:液化气输送软管 - Robur GPL
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9 部分

已淘汰:飞机加油软管 - Jetcord F ISO 1825
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7 部分

已淘汰:空气软管 - Miniera 10 bar
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6 部分

已淘汰:热水和蒸汽输送软管 - Inglas +
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已淘汰:石油和燃料输送软管 - Oilplus 30
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7 部分

超高压喷水软管 - 55,000 psi - 2849D
派克 2849D 软管专为带有水或研磨添加剂的超高压水射流切割设备而开发。

1 部分

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2 部分

Tough Cover 超高压水喷射软管 - 2440D/2448D
派克喷水软管可承受高达 43,000 psi (3000 bar) 的压力

6 部分

超高压软管 - 2440N/2448N
具有低体积膨胀的高压 Polyflex 软管,适用于控制液、酸化、甲醇注入和油井增产等海上应用。

5 部分

高压水喷射软管 - 2640D
超高压 2640D 喷水软管可承受高达 40,600 psi (4,000 bar) 的压力。

2 部分

高压管清洗 - 喷水软管 - 2240D/2248D
高压 2240D/2248D 软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发

7 部分

超高压水射流软管 - 2740D/2748D/2749D
派克超高压软管可承受高达 40,000 psi (3,000 bar) 的压力。

4 部分

超高压水喷射软管 - 58,000 psi - 2840D
派克 2840D 和 2848D 软管专为处理压力高达 58,000 psi (4,000 bar) 的高压和超高压应用而开发。

4 部分

超高压喷水软管 - 2440N
派克 2440N 喷水软管的工作压力高达 20,000 psi (1400 bar),是水力爆破应用的理想选择。

5 部分

派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2022N
Parker 2022N 是 Polyflex 的 10,000 psi 恒压软管,专为液压应用而设计。

5 部分

派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2380N/2388N
派克 2380N 和 2388N 高压液压软管具有低体积膨胀,可作为双线软管使用。


派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2390N
派克 7,000 psi 液压软管在压力下具有低尺寸变化,从而具有出色的响应时间。

10 个零件

小口径高压微型液压软管 – 2020N
派克高压微型液压软管具有紧凑的软管外径,可用于 7,000 psi 以下的微型液压应用。

2 部分

已淘汰:ChemJec 液压脐带软管 - 2440M/2448M/2640M
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8 部分

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2 部分

超高压喷水软管 - 2380N/2388N
派克 2380N/2388N 喷水软管的工作压力高达 18,000 psi (1200 bar),是去除污垢和油漆的理想选择。

7 部分

派克液压软管 – 520N/528N
派克的 520N/528N 热塑性液压软管在 100R8 软管中具有最佳软管性能,可显着降低针孔故障的可能性。


已过时:带哑光盖的通用液压软管 - 540N
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7 部分

已淘汰:57CR 系列“Sea Wolf”高抗塌软管 5000 psi
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4 部分

高压软管 - 580N/588N
580N/588N 高压挠性软管符合 SAE 100R8 规范,外径比 100R2 更小,重量更轻,可在需要更高柔韧性、流体兼容性和外罩耐用性的地方替代 100R2 橡胶软管。

9 部分

TOUGHJACKET 590TJ 紧凑型液压软管具有 5000-2000 psi 的工作压力、较长的连续长度(长达 500 英尺),可与 56 系列全球接头一起使用。

9 部分

压缩天然气软管 - 导电 - 5CNG
鉴于 CSA (NA) 和 ECR (EMEA) 对 CNG 软管的批准,Parflex 在天然气汽车和加油站 CNG 市场的全球影响力使 OEM 收入增长通过向多个地区销售。

5 部分

压缩天然气软管 - 调节压力 - CNGRP
Parflex CNGRP 软管是唯一完全通过 CSA 认证的灵活流体输送系统。在振动/移动应用中,与不锈钢管相比,该产品的灵活性降低了保修成本。

2 部分

D6R/D6RX 3,000 psi 液压软管 - 长连续长度
D6R/D6RX 软管比橡胶软管轻 40%,D6RX 的连续长度可达 500 英尺。超过 SAE 100R17 要求。

10 个零件

热塑性软管 - HFSR 橡胶包覆软管
HFSR 橡胶包覆的紧凑型软管可抵抗扭结和芯部冲刷,并符合 SAE J517 100R1AT 要求,工作压力高达 3,263。


PTFE 高压液压软管组件
派克的 PTFE 高压液压软管组件具有出色的化学相容性、防潮性和处理高达 5,500 psi 的压力。它们设计用于高温液压和化学转移应用


Eliminator Hybrid 软管 - HTB/HTBR
Parflex HTB Eliminator Hybrid 软管在 7000 psi 液压软管应用中表现出色。

12 部分

594TJ TOUGHJACKET 是一种 4,000 psi 软管,具有最大的耐磨性。符合 SAE 100R19。提供长而连续的长度。

5 部分

已淘汰:超高压水射流软管系列 - 2741D

1 部分

飞机加油软管 - Jetcord C ISO 1825
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7 部分

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6 部分

已淘汰:制冷剂软管 - 510A
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8 部分

液化石油气 LPG 软管,7170 系列
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2 部分

派克油气软管和液压软管 - 2340N-24

1 部分

已淘汰:带 EPDM 橡胶盖的滑膛氟聚合物软管 - RCTW/RCTB
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已淘汰:Highjack Jackline 混合软管 - HJK
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1 部分

已淘汰:小直径软管 - 515H
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2 部分

硅胶高温冷却软管,6620 系列
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3 部分

TITANFLEX 食品和饮料抽吸软管,SW640 系列
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6 部分

Dragon Breath 热空气软管设计用于在 350°F 和 200 psi 的 SW360 系列干燥材料装载/卸载应用中传输热空气

5 部分

食品和饮料吸水软管,SW430 系列
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5 部分

食品和饮料抽吸/热风软管,SW319 系列
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5 部分

Deadman 双传感软管,7138 系列
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1 部分

软壁农用泵软管,7174 系列
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2 部分

HARVEST PLUS 抗压食品和饮料吸水软管,SM382 系列
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5 部分

TITANFLEX 食品和饮料抽吸软管,SW630 系列
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5 部分

WORT HOG 轻型啤酒软管,SS197 系列
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0 部分

啤酒软管,SS200 系列
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5 部分

HDW 重型冲洗软管,7080 系列
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2 部分

ECW 标准负荷冲洗软管,7079 系列
ECW 经济型冲洗软管设计用于 212°F 和 300 psi 应用中的中压服务,7079 系列

2 部分

混凝土浇筑软管,7236 系列
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1 部分

CERGOM 8800 系列重磨料处理抽吸和真空软管
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1 部分

GOLIATH 混凝土、灌浆和石膏软管,SS201 系列
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High Pressure Hose electrically non-conductive - 2022N
Parker High Pressure 2022N Aramid Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

2 Parts

High pressure wire hose with PA11 core tube - 2240N
Parker 2240N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure wire hose - 2340N - Europe
Parker 2340N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place.

2 Parts

High Pressure Hose - 2244N
Parker High Pressure 2244N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 88 MPa.

6 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2390N - Europe
Parker 2390N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 49 MPa.

4 Parts

Chemical Resistant PTFE Smoothbore Hose - 919/919B/919J/919U
PTFE hoses feature superior chemical compatibility, resist moisture, perform in a wide temperature range and offer a low coefficient of friction to assist with flow. Most 919 hoses handle temperatures up to 450°F.


GST II General Purpose Air & Water Hose
GST II is a general purpose rubber hose designed for air compressor and shop air hose systems, transfer of mild/diluted chemicals, and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi

90 Parts

Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7132
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for delivery, supply and transfer of propane in commercial and industrial applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series 7132

16 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose, Series 7216E
Wildcatter Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of oil and refined fuels in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7216E

7 Parts

Black Eagle Hose with ColorGard - 2580N - Europe
Parker Hoses 2580N Black Eagle for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

GRIZZLY 500 Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7107
Grizzly 500 Nonconductive Oil Resistant Multipurpose Rubber Hose is a premium product designed to transfer air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 500 psi, Series 7107.

9 Parts

BLUE THUNDER Large Diameter UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose, Series 7373T
Blue Thunder Large Diameter UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose is designed for transfer of many industrial strength acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series 7373T

8 Parts

Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7232
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for bulk/high volume supply and transfer of propane in applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series 7232

4 Parts

SIAMEEZ Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose, Series 7126
Siameez Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose is designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas and oxygen in applications to 200 psi, Series 7126

4 Parts

Chemical Resistant Heavy Wall PTFE Smoothbore Hose - 929/929B
The 929/929B features improved kink resistance and enhanced resistance to gas permeation over 919/919B hose. 929/929B PTFE hoses feature superior chemical compatibility, resist moisture,and performs in a wide temperature range from -100°F to +450°F.

8 Parts

E-Z Form GS Suction Hose, General Service, Series 7395
E-Z Form GS Greek Corrugated General Service Suction Hose is flexible hose designed for transfer of air, coolant, mild chemicals and water in industrial and mobile applications to 257°F and 75 psi, Series 7395

58 Parts

NEXBRAID PVC Clear Standard Wall General Service Hose, Series 125
Nexbraid PVC Clear Standard Wall General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, air, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 150°F and 250 psi, Series 125

11 Parts

Standard Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7392E
Standard Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7392E

6 Parts

DRAGON BREATH II Barber Pole Steam Hose, Series 7285
Dragon Breath II Barber Pole Steam Hose is designed for steam applications to 406°F for saturated steam at 261 psi and 450° for superheated steam at 250 psi, Series 7285

3 Parts

Convoluted PTFE Hose - 939/939B
Parker Convoluted PTFE Hose features excellent flexibility and kink resistance for superior performance in chemical transfer, high temperature hydraulics, and hose applications requiring tight routings.

16 Parts

Fast Response Constant Pressure Hose – 575X/575XN 5,000 psi
Fast Response Constant Pressure Hoses are designed for applications that involve offshore drilling and require fast and accurate response time.

7 Parts

SUPER-FLEX FL-7 Barrier Fuel Line Hose, Series 389
Super-Flex FL-7 Barrier Fuel Line Hose is designed for engine fuel supply in applications to 257°F and 100 psi, Series 389.

7 Parts

SUPER-FLEX FL Barrier Fuel Line Hose, Series 397
Super-Flex Barrier Fuel Line Hose is designed for engine fuel supply in applications to 257°F and 100 psi, Series 397

7 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Carbopress N/L 10 - 20
Carbopress N/L 10 - 20 hose is engineered for grease and hydrocarbons having an aromatic content not exceeded 50%.

16 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python NY/L 30
Python NY/L 30 yellow multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.

14 Parts


Automotive Fuel Line - TBSE
TBSE is a hose specially designed for particular applications in fuel systems where low permeability levels are required.

12 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Black 15
GST II Black 15 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.

15 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2380N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2380N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 75 MPa.

12 Parts

Tough Cover Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2440D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2440D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 220 MPa.

9 Parts

Push-Lok self-grip hose - 830M
Parker 830M Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 1.6 MPa.

27 Parts

STINGER II High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7268E
Stinger II High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 1000 psi, Series 7268E

9 Parts

Silicone Standard Wall High Temperature Heater Hose, Series 6722
Silicone Standard Wall High Temperature Heater Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment inapplications to 350°F and 83 psi, Series 6722

15 Parts

E-Z Form MP Oil Resistant Flexible Suction Hose, Multipurpose, Series 7219
E-Z Form MP Greek Corrugated Multipurpose Oil Resistant Suction Hose is an extremely flexible hose designed for refined fuels and oil transfer in applications to 250°F and 75 psi, Series 7219

56 Parts

HURRICANE Pressure Washer Hose, Series 7258
Hurricane Pressure Washer Hose is designed for high pressure service in applications to 250°F and 3000 psi, Series 7258

5 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python NV/L 20
Python NV/L 20 green multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.

9 Parts

Remote Grease Hose 3000 psi - HLB
The Parker HLB Grease Hose is a cost effective solution that is MSHA accepted and is more compact than comparable rubber grease hoses. It is designed for grease and lubrication lines in agriculture, construction or mobile equipment.

3 Parts

Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2440N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2440N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 140 MPa.

4 Parts

Fuel Line/Vapor Emission Hose, Series 395
Fuel Line/Vapor Emission Hose is designed for engine fuel supply and vapor emission containment in applications to 257°F and 75 psi, Series 395

5 Parts

Truck Coils, BRAKCOIL
BRAKCOIL tractor trailer coiled air hoses connect the service line and the emergency line between the tractor and trailer.

17 Parts

Automotive Cooling Hose - Radior DIN 6 (Coils)
Radior DIN 6 is designed for cooling systems of automotive and stationary engines and for refrigerant systems in applications ranging max 6 bar WP and it is fully compliant to DIN 73411 specs up to ID 25 mm.

17 Parts

Explosive Loading Hose - Series ANFO
ANFO Explosive Loading Hose is specifically designed tubing used for the delivery of pneumatically loaded explosives up blast holes.

3 Parts

Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7243
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for propane fuel line service on forklift and utility vehicle applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series 7243

4 Parts

Petrol Resistant/Food Contact Hose, Series NTP
Translucent dual purpose food contact/petrol hose with a distinctive red/gold tracer to identify its dual application. Conforms to AS/NZS 2070 for food contact requirements. Safety factor 4:1.

16 Parts

Breathing Air Refill Hose - 527BA
Parkers’ Breathing Air Refill Hose is a 7,000 psi working pressure hose. It complies with CGA G7.1-1 Grade E Breathing Air Standards and NFPA 1901 requirements for Fire Apparatus.

2 Parts

PTFE Hose - 2030T
Parker 2030T Hoses are designed to match high demands for hydraulics or media transfer. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 27.5 MPa.

24 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Carburite 10
Carburite 10 is engineered for suction and delivery of mineral oils and refined fuels (with aromatic content not exceeding 50 %)

19 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Oilpress N/L 20-30
Oilpress N/L 20 and N/L 30 are ideal for multi-purpose applications requiring transfer of many types of fluids and petroleum products with an aromatic content not exceeding 50%.

15 Parts

CNG low pressure hose
CNG low pressure hose meets SAE J 30 R6. It’s a one fibre braid with ozone resistant cover.

6 Parts

Push-Lok self-grip hose - 838M
Parker 838M Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 1.6 MPa.

5 Parts

Automotive Cooling & Heating Alternative Fuel Line - Radior 10
Radior 10 hose is designed for delivery of hot water in engine cooling systems.

2 Parts


High pressure wire hose - 2440N
Parker 2440N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

8 Parts

Standard Duty Heater Hose, Series 7186
Standard Duty Heater Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in in vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 212°F and 125 psi, Series 7186

6 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2740D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2740D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 300 MPa.

4 Parts

WILDCATTER Heavy Duty Dry Cement Material Handling Hose, Series SS247
Wildcatter Heavy Duty Dry Cement Material Handling Hose incorporates a 1/4” thick rubber tube and is designed for low pressure transfer of dry abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 75 psi, Series SS247

5 Parts

Dragon Breath Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in dry material loading/unloading applications to 350°F and 200 psi, Series SW360

5 Parts

Automotive Heater & Cooling Hose - Series 6722
Series 6722 is a hose designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 177°C and 5,7 bar.

6 Parts

Hydrocarbon High Temperature Oil Resistant Drain Hose, Series 7200
Hydrocarbon High Temperature Oil Resistant Drain Hose is designed to drain/evacuate hot liquefied residue from storage tanks/vessels generated by cleaning applications to 350°F and 350 psi, Series 7200

2 Parts

Super Premi-Air Air/Water Hose,Series SPA
Super Premi-Air Air/Water Parker Super Premi-Air hose is a premium, high quality air hose. The PVC construction ensures lightweight and flexibility for easy handling.

1 Part

ARMADA Marine Multipurpose Oil Resistant Suction Hose, Series SW569
Armada Marine Multipurpose Oil Resistant Suction Hose is designed for marine engine fuel supply and venting, hardwall wet exhaust and other applications to 212°F and 75 psi, Series SW569

24 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Black 20
GST II Black 20 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.

7 Parts

Diagnostic Hose for Small Bore Fluid Transfer - 56DH 6000 PSI
Parflex 56DH diagnostic hose offers the best in class performance by reducing the volume of fluid in the system over -4 rubber hose.

2 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Jumbo
Jumbo is a multipurpose hose engineered to discharge many type of fluids at high temperature.

4 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Radior 3 (Coil)
Radior 3 (Coil) is designed for cooling and heating systems in standard duty service.

25 Parts

TITANFLEX Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SW630
Titanflex Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of non-oily beverages and food in applications to 225°F and 200 psi, Series SW630

5 Parts

GULLY WASHER PVC Standard Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose, Series 7541
Gully Washer PVC Standard Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 140°F and 70 psi, Series 7541

7 Parts

Silicone Standard Wall High Temperature Coolant Hose, Series 6750
Silicone Standard Wall High Temperature Coolant Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 350°F and 159 psi, Series 6750

38 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Aperspir
Aperspir is a suction and delivery PVC hose engineered to resist to abrasive and liquid food.

17 Parts

Automotive and Boat Hose - Wavemaster
Wavemaster series 7165 is a premium grade marine barrier fuel line/venting hose where low permeability levels for efficient engines are required.

5 Parts

Clearspring Clear Suction Hose, Series HSC
Clearspring Clear/Steel Wired Reinforced Suction Hose is suitable for applications requiring continuous bending and flexing,or where a clear, heavy duty hose is needed. Ideal for food and beverage contact.

12 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Hot Tar Hose, Series SW387
Wildcatter Oilfield Hot Tar Hose is designed for transfer of hot oil and tar in applications to 350°F and 150 psi, Series SW387

5 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Beton 80
Beton 80 bar is designed for concrete placement with high pressure pumps.

5 Parts

Blue Stripe Washdown Hose - Series BSW
Blue Stripe Washdown Premium washdown hose is designed specifically for cold washdown applications.

9 Parts

SUPER-FLEX 2000 Semi-Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose, Series 7124
Super-Flex 2000 Semi-Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose is designed to transfer refined fuels from powered dispensers to 180°F and 50 psi, Series 7124

3 Parts

FEP high pressure hose - 2380F
Parker 2380F Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 42.5 MPa.

7 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Chemioel EN 12115
Chemioel EN 12115 hose is designed for suction and delivery of mineral oils and fuels with an aromatic content not exceeding 50 %.

8 Parts


Heavy Duty Heater Hose, Series 7181
Heavy Duty Heater Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 257°F and 65 psi, Series 7181

7 Parts

Water Hose - Bevera 10
Bevera 10 bar is engineered for suction and delivery of water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a lightweight and a reliable flexible hose.

18 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python N/L 20
Python N/L 20 black multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.

8 Parts

Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose, Series SS269
Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose is designed as a flexible connection for exhaust systems to circulate, cool and transfer hot engine water and exhaust gases in marine engine applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series SS269

23 Parts

MPW-1000 High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7204
MPW-1000 High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, hot materials, mild chemicals, water, oil, and refined fuels such as biodiesel, diesel, ethanol and gasoline in applications to 300°F and 1000 psi, Series 7204

2 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose, Series 7331
Wildcatter Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of abrasive slurries, drilling mud, fuel, mild chemical solutions, oil and water in applications to 200°F and 400 psi, Series 7331

3 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Clear Suction Hose, Series 7570
Dynaflex PVC Clear Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 140°F and 115 psi, Series 7570

11 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2388N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2388N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 80 MPa.

3 Parts

WILDCATTER Dry Cement Material Handling Hose, Series SS135
Wildcatter Dry Cement Material Handling Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick rubber tube and is designed for gravity flow/low pressure transfer of dry abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 65 psi, Series SS135

4 Parts

Static Dissipative Smoothbore PTFE Hose with Silicone Jacket - 929BJ
Parker's 929BJ hose features a static-dissipative PTFE core tube and a brown silicone, steam cleanable jacket to provide a smooth cover to protect the stainless steel wire reinforcement against wear, fraying and contaminants.

5 Parts

Predator Sewer Jetting and Cleaning Hoses
Parker Predator Sewer Jetting and Lateral Cleaning Hoses are designed for cleaning and debris removal in sewer lines.

15 Parts

SIAMEEZ Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose, Series 7109
Siameez Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose is designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases and oxygen in applications to 200 psi, Series 7109

4 Parts

High pressure water jetting hose - 2580N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2580N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 160 MPa.

5 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose, Series 7311N/7311NXT
Series 7311N/7311NXT Wildcatter Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of abrasive slurries, drilling mud, fuel, mild chemical solutions, oil and water in applications to 200°F and 400 psi.

7 Parts

Silicone Greek Corrugated High Temperature Wire Reinforced Coolant Hose, Series 6621
Silicone Greek Corrugated High Temperature Wire Reinforced Coolant Hose is for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment to 75 psi and 392°F, Series 6621

13 Parts

General Purpose Transfer Hose - B9 Series
Parker’s B9 General Purpose Transfer Hose is recognized for its exceptional flexibility. It is designed for use in applications that involve low pressure transmission of air, oil, water, and coolants.

12 Parts

Pumpflex PVC Suction Hose,Series PFX
For conveying water, other liquids and light granular materials. Suitable for agriculture and industrial applications.

4 Parts

ARCTIC EDGE Low Temperature Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7102
Arctic Edge Low Temperature Oil Resistant Multipurpose Rubber Hose is designed to transfer air, oil, water and refined fuels such as biodiesel, diesel, ethanol and gasoline in applications to -70°F and 300 psi, Series 7102

7 Parts

THORO-BRAID Medium Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7251
Thoro-Braid Medium Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in heavy duty applications to 212°F and 600 psi, Series 7251

5 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Carbocord EN 12115
Carbocord EN 12115 is suitable for delivery of oil and fuel with up to 50% aromatic content.

8 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax D SM EN 12115
Poliax D SM EN 12115 is a medium pressure rubber hose designed for suction and delivery of aggressive acids and chemicals combining comfort of use and protection.

8 Parts

THORO-BRAID PVC Clear General Service Hose, Series 7581
Thoro-Braid PVC Clear General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, air, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 140°F and 355 psi, Series 7581

9 Parts

YELLOW BIRD High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7284
Yellow Bird High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in heavy duty applications to 212°F and 1500 psi, Series 7284

9 Parts

Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7233
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for propane fuel line service on forklift and utility vehicle applications in applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series 7233

1 Part

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose - 2640N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2640N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 180 MPa.

3 Parts

ARCTIC TRANSLITE Low Temperature Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose, Series SWC325
Arctic Translite Low Temperature Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for suction, discharge and transfer oil and refined fuels in applications to -67°F and 150 psi, Series SWC325

6 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose - 2640D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2640D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 280 MPa.

4 Parts

Oxygen Charging Hose, Series 7293
Oxygen Charging Hose is designed for high pressure oxygen lancing in foundry applications to 176°F and 500 psi, Series 7293

6 Parts

Grade R Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose, Series 7120
Grade R Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose is designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7120

5 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield High Pressure Chemical Hose, Series 7374
Wildcatter Oilfield High Pressure Chemical Hose is designed for suction, discharge and transfer of acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 180°F and 600 psi, Series 7374

4 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115 is a medium pressure hose designed for suction and delivery of highly aggressive fluids thanks to its Ultra High Molecular Weigth Polyethylene film.

8 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer hose - Series 7108
Series 7108 hose is designed for transfer of high aromatic content products such as ketone solvents, lacquers, paint thinners, oil-based and water-based paints and many common chemicals used in applications to 93°C and 51,7 bar.

3 Parts

SOFT-FLEX 2000 Softwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose, Series 7114
Soft-Flex 2000 Softwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose is designed to transfer refined fuels from powered dispensers to 180°F and 50 psi, Series 7114

3 Parts

PVC General Purpose Hose, Series GPH
PVC General Purpose Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 150°F and 300 psi, Series GPH

26 Parts

Grade T Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose, Series 7141
Grade T Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose is designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7141

6 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 Type 2/A
Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 is designed for high pressure saturated steam (max 18 bar at +210 °C = 261 psi at +410 °F), hot water and superheated steam in many industries.

14 Parts

PTFE hose - 2033T
Parker 2033T Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 27.5 MPa.

7 Parts

Water Transfer Hose - 540P
Parker's 540P has a FDA compliant polyethylene core tube. This hose was developed for specialty water applications such as potable water and has expanded into other applications including CO2 transfer and two part foam and insulation applications.

3 Parts

Convoluted PTFE Hose with 316 Stainless Steel Braid - SCW/SCB
Parker SCW and SCB hoses are seamless, low profile, environmentally safe, self-draining and able to withstand extreme flexing. They are suitable for fluid handling, chemical transfer, paint and semiconductor applications.

16 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax D EN 12115
Poliax D EN 12115 is a medium pressure rubber hose designed for delivery of aggressive acids and chemicals combining comfort of use and protection.

8 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Aperfrut 20 - 40 - 80
Aperfrut is a PVC multipurpose hose particularly designed for spraying applications of light chemicals.

11 Parts

Lightweight Water Jetting Hose, Series SS122
Lightweight Water Jetting Hose is designed for transfer of water in applications to 180°F and 500 psi, Series SS122

6 Parts

Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7231
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for bulk/high volume supply and transfer of propane in applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series 7231

4 Parts

Heavy Duty Sand Recovery/Vacuum Hose, Series SW409
Heavy Duty Sand Recovery/Vacuum Hose incorporates a 3/16” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for high pressure transfer of sand and severely abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series SW409

5 Parts

Standard Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7392
Standard Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7392

9 Parts

PWD Pressure Wash Down Hose, Series 7143
PWD Pressure Wash Down Hose is designed for medium pressure, high temperature service in applications to 250°F and 1500 psi, Series 7143

3 Parts

ECW Standard Duty Washdown Hose, Series 7079
ECW Economy Washdown Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7079

2 Parts

Grade R Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose, Series 7121
Grade R Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose is designed for transfer of oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7121

5 Parts

Smooth Bore Stainless Steel Braided PTFE Hose - STW/STB “True-Bore”
Parker's STW/STB “True-Bore” Hose differs from other smoothbore PTFE hoses because these hoses have a larger inside diameter to speed up the flow of the media through the tube.

16 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Blue 10 SM
Gambrinus Blue 10 bar SM is a hose engineered to handle fatty foods, milk in a variety of suction and delivery applications, including milk collection.

14 Parts


Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Radior 3 (Cut Length)
Radior 3 (Cut Length) is designed for cooling and heating systems in standard duty service.

23 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Clear Suction Hose, Series 7564
Dynaflex PVC Clear Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 140°F and 120 psi, Series 7564

9 Parts

Chemair Airline Premium lightweight flexible Airline,Series CAC
Chemair Airline Premium lightweight flexible Airline with the added benefit of a chemical resistant tube.

14 Parts

Nonconductive Cable Cover Hose, Series 7172
Nonconductive Cable Cover Hose is designed for transfer of coolant water in electrical arc welding applications to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7172

4 Parts

Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Hose for Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting - 2840D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2840D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 400 MPa.

3 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Slim Hole Rotary Drill Hose, Series 7234
Wildcatter Oilfield Slim Hole Rotary Drill Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of cement solutions mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 250°F and 3000 psi, Series 7234

2 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Hot Oiler Hose, Series 7301
Wildcatter Oilfield Hot Oiler Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of hot oil and petroleum products in applications to 275°F and 2250 psi, Series 7301

1 Part

Grade T Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose, Series 7142
Grade T Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose is designed for transfer of oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7142

6 Parts

Reinforced Conduit Hose, Series 7337
Reinforced Conduit Hose is designed as a durable cable cover to 180°F, Series 7337

11 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2748D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2748D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 280 MPa.

2 Parts

Seedflex Suction Hose,Series SFX
Seedflex Designed to suit harsh Australian Airseeder applications.This hose has superior abrasion resistance with the advantage of being clear with white helix.Also stocked in black/clear using prefix SFX-B.

6 Parts

SUPER-FLEX Heavy Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7325
Super-Flex Heavy Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7325

4 Parts

Large Diameter FEP Chemical Suction Hose, Series SW373
Large Diameter FEP Chemical Suction Hose is designed for transfer of many industrial strength acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 300°F and 500 psi, Series SW373

6 Parts

FLEX-EVER 2000 Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose, Series 7280
Flex-Ever 2000 Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose is designed to transfer refined fuels from powered dispensers to 180°F and 50 psi, Series 7280

3 Parts

Reinforced Conduit Hose, Series 7337M
Reinforced Conduit Hose is designed as a durable cable cover to 180°F, Series 7337M

12 Parts

Standard Duty Water Discharge Hose, Series 7306E
Standard Duty Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7306E

5 Parts

HARVEST PLUS Crush Resistant Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SM382
Harvest Plus Crush Resistant Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of non-oily food and beverages in applications to 225°F and 250 psi, Series SM382

5 Parts

GULLY WASHER PVC Medium Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose, Series 7542
Gully Washer PVC Medium Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 140°F and 150 psi, Series 7542

7 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Vinitress
Vinitress is a clear PVC hose engineered for the delivery of liquid food and beverage contents and sanitary products.

12 Parts

Anhydrous Ammonia Hose, Series 7261
Anhydrous Ammonia Hose is designed for transfer of anhydrous ammonia in applications to 180°F and 350 psi, Series 7261

4 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Enorex
Enorex is a food grade PVC hose designed to transfer with the utmost care wine and food liquids.

8 Parts

Ducting Hose - Aspirex
Aspirex is designed for suction of multiple different materials and for centralized suction equipment in many industries and markets.

14 Parts

DRAGON BREATH 250 Oil Resistant Steam Hose, Series 7288
Dragon Breath 250 Oil Resistant Steam Hose is designed for steam applications to 406°F for saturated steam at 261 psi and 450° for superheated steam at 250 psi, Series 7288

5 Parts

Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2749D
Parker High Pressure 2749D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 301 MPa.

2 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Libeccio EN ISO 3861
Libeccio EN ISO 3861 is engineered to handle wet and dry abrasive materials and powders.

11 Parts


Automotive Air Braking Hose - Airbrake DIN 74310
Airbrake DIN 74310 is designed for air brake circuits according to DIN 74310 specs.

3 Parts

Gas Hose - Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20
Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20 is suitable for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

4 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Standard Duty Suction Hose, Series 7560
Dynaflex PVC Standard Duty Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, mild chemicals, slurries and water in applications to 140°F and 120 psi, Series 7560

9 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax UPE con SM OND EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115 is a medium pressure and extremely flexible hose designed for suction and delivery of highly aggressive fluids thanks to its Ultra High Molecular Weigth Polyethylene film and corrugated cover.

8 Parts

MAXIFLEX Large Diameter Lightweight Air Hose, Series 7308E
Maxiflex Large Diameter Lightweight Air Hose is designed for air transfer in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7308E

6 Parts

SUPER-FLEX Large Diameter Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series 7363
Super-Flex Large Diameter Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 3/16” thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 100 psi, Series 7363

5 Parts

Water Hose - Multirex
Multirex is a general medium and heavy duty PVC hose for suction and delivery of non aggressive liquids.

18 Parts

TITANFLEX Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SW640
Titanflex Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of oily food and beverages in applications to 225°F and 250 psi, Series SW640

6 Parts

High Pressure Hose Series - 2240D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2240D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 120 MPa.

4 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - E-Z Form MP
E-Z Form MP multipurpose oil resistant hose is designed and manufactured as a versatile, solution-driven product for OEM and aftermarket-related.

9 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Red 15
GST II Red 15 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.

9 Parts

High pressure aramid hose - 2022N - Europe
Parker 2022N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 34.5 MPa.

7 Parts

Automotive Cooling Hose - E-Z Form GS
E-Z Form GS cooling hose is designed and manufactured as a versatile, solution-driven
product for OEM and aftermarket-related

14 Parts

Heating and Cooling Hose - Radior K 1003
Radior K 1003 is designed for heating and cooling systems, resistant to ASTM I/II/III oil up to +100 °C (+212 °F) with peaks up to +120 °C (+248 °F) and for diesel fuel up to +50 °C (+122 °F).

12 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Thermopress 10
Thermopress 10 is engineered for delivery of hot water, non-aggressive hot liquids and steam to a maximum temperature of +120 °C (+248 °F).

9 Parts

Steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 3 Series – SH2PM
Thermic steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 3 / BS 5342. The EPDM hose is with 16 bar working pressure and up to 205 deg C. The EPDM tube and cover is resistant to the HP steam and hot water applications.

7 Parts

WILDCATTER Corrugated Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose, Series 7213E
Wildcatter Corrugated Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose is designed to transfer petroleum waste, sediments, sludge, slurries and water in harsh oilfield waste pit recovery applications to 185°F and 150 psi, Series 7213E

5 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose -2648N
Parker High Pressure 2648N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 160 MPa.

2 Parts

Sand Blast Hose, Series 7244
Sand Blast Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and heavy wall for transfer service of sand and other highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 300 psi, Series 7244

6 Parts

Airmaster meets IS 446. Hose for air handling
Airmaster hose is made as per IS 446 type 3 specification, design to meet the industry requirement also made for constant pressure applications, with abrasion & ozone resistant yellow colour cover.

7 Parts

Exhaust Gas and Fuel Line - SM TR 311
SM TR 311 is designed for marine exhaust gas system and refuelling service.

6 Parts

SOFT-FLEX Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose, Series 7116M
Soft-Flex Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose is designed to transfer diesel exhaust fluid from powered dispensers to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7116M

4 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose, Series SS111
High Pressure Water Jetting Hose is designed for high velocity transfer of water or slurries in applications to 180°F and 800 psi, Series SS1111

6 Parts

Automotive Fuel Hose - TBE
TBE is specially designed for fuel systems where the textile cover of the hose is requested.

2 Parts

Large Diameter Corrugated Material Handling/Rock Dust Hose, Series 7393
Large Diameter Corrugated Material Handling/Rock Dust Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of rock dust and other highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 90 psi, Series 7393

10 Parts


LPG Gas HOSE meets BS 4089 : 1989 TYPE 1
LPG hose meets BS 4089: 1989 TYPE 1 is a one wire hose with ozone resistant cover.

8 Parts

WHIPPET 200 Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7137
Whippet 200 Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, oil and water, and is ideal for light duty whip end service, industrial bench work and air lines in applications to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7137

Where To Buy
0 Part

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115
Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115 is a medium pressure suction and discharege hose designed to handle all beverages, animal or vegetable fats and oils, pharmaceutical and sanitary materials.

8 Parts

FEP High pressure hose - 2246F
Parker 2246F Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 41.5 MPa.

7 Parts

HDW Heavy Duty Washdown Hose, Series 7080
HDW Heavy Duty Washdown Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7080

Where To Buy
0 Part

Liquid Petroleum Gas Vapor Hose, Series 7122
Liquid Petroleum Gas Vapor Hose is designed for light duty propane vapor line service light duty in applications to 140°F and 125 psi, Series 7122

1 Part

Softwall Farm Pump Hose, Series 7174
Softwall Farm Pump Hose is designed to transfer refined fuels from gravity-feed storage tanks or manual dispensers to 180°F and 50 psi, Series 7174

Where To Buy
0 Part

Nonconductive Softwall Furnace Door Coolant Hose, Series 7385
Nonconductive Softwall Furnace Door Coolant Hose is designed for transfer of coolant water in high environmental temperature foundry applications to 212°F (internal)/572°F (external) and 150 psi, Series 7385

6 Parts

Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7170
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for propane fuel line service on gas grills, portable heaters and similar appliances in applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series 7170

2 Parts

Water Hose - Idro 10
Idro 10 bar is engineered to discharge water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a basic and durable flexible hose.

10 Parts

Explosive Emulsion dispensing hose. Series - EDHPN
EDHPN-24PM is an Explosive Emulsion dispensing hose with high abrasion resistant tube and cover.

1 Part

High Temperature Power Wash Hose - 1035HT
High Temperature Power Wash Hose is designed for use with low pressure power washers and carpet cleaning machines.

1 Part

Silicone Heavy Wall High Temperature Heater Hose, Series 6723
Silicone Heavy Wall High Temperature Heater Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 350°F and 83 psi, Series 6723

7 Parts

Coalmaster Fras Yellow Air/Water FRAS Rated Hose, Series FSA
Coalmaster Fras Yellow Air/Water FRAS (Fire Resistant, Anti-Static) rated hose made from lightweight, highly abrasion resistant polymer developed specifically for use in the underground coal mining industry.

1 Part

Gas Line - Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20
Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20 is designed for delivery of welding and allied process gases.

11 Parts

Automotive Urea Hose - Carboblue N/L 10 -20
Carboblue N/L 10-20 is specially designed to convey urea aqueous solution between tanks and dispensers for SCR systems.

10 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Blue 10
Gambrinus Blue 10 is engineered to handle fatty foods, milk in a variety of transfer and delivery applications, including milk collection.

13 Parts

Single Line Welding and Scarfing Oxygen Hose, Series 7229T
Single Line Welding and Scarfing Oxygen Hose is designed for transfer of oxygen in applications to 200°F and 250 psi, Series 7229T

4 Parts

Water Hose - Prescord N/R 10
Prescord N/R 10 bar is designed to satisfy request for a standard water and non-aggressive liquids discharge hose.

7 Parts

Silicone Heavy Duty High Temperature Coolant Hose, Series 6751
Silicone Heavy Duty High Temperature Coolant Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 350°F and 159 psi, Series 6751

39 Parts

GREEN LABEL Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose, Series 7705
Green Label Corrugated Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of biodiesel, oil and refined fuels in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series 7705

7 Parts

Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SW430
Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of oily food and beverages in applications to 225°F and 150 psi, Series SW430

5 Parts

Silicone Extreme High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose, Series 6823
Silicone Extreme High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose is designed to connect, align and transfer the hot exhaust air from the charging system of heavy duty engine applications to 500°F and 25 psi, Series 6823

4 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2248D
Parker High Pressure 2248D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 150 MPa.

3 Parts

Steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 2 Series – SH1PM
Thermic steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 2 / BS 5342. The EPDM hose is with 10 bar working pressure and up to 184 deg C. The EPDM tube and cover is resistant to the steam and water applications.

7 Parts


Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Drinkpress WB/L 10
Drinkpress WB/L 10 bar is designed either to deliver liquid food and beverage contents and for cleaning purposes in food processing.

5 Parts

Large Diameter Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series SS106
Large Diameter Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for bulk/high volume supply and transfer of propane in applications to 140°F and 350 psi, Series SS106

5 Parts

X-TREME Low Temperature Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose, Series 7132XTC
X-treme Low Temperature Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose is designed for delivery, supply and transfer of propane in commercial and industrial applications to -65°F and 350 psi, Series 7132XTC

8 Parts

FLY ASH HOSE, Series 7363PM
Fly ash hose is a propreitory design hose with abrasion resistant tube and Ozone reisitant cover.

3 Parts

Inert Gas Hose for Arc Welding Systems, Series 7123
Inert Gas Hose for Arc Welding Systems is designed for transfer of inert/noble gas in electrical arc welding applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7123

2 Parts

Air Hose - Miniera 20 bar MSHA
Miniera 20 bar MSHA is designed for air and water in a variety of industries and applications whenever a flame resistant feature is requested.

11 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2448M - Europe
Parker 2448M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 103.5 MPa.

3 Parts

Gas Hose - Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10
Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10 is designed to connect household appliances to the gas line or bottles.

2 Parts

DAY-FLO Heavy Duty Water Discharge Hose, Series 7306H
Day-Flo Heavy Duty Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7306H

8 Parts

Twin Sensing Hose, Series 7140
Twin Sensing Hose is designed for transfer of air to operate aircraft fueling control system applications to 200°F and 250 psi, Series 7140

1 Part

BLUE RIBBON Pressure Washer Hose, Series 7247
Blue Ribbon Pressure Washer Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 250°F and 1500 psi, Series 7247

2 Parts

DAY-LITE Corrugated Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose, Series 8341
Day-Lite Large Corrugated Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 75 psi, Series 8341

6 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2370N
Parker 2370N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2640M - Europe
Parker 2640M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 103.5 MPa.

1 Part

GOLIATH Concrete, Grout and Plaster Hose, Series SS201
Goliath Concrete Placement Hose is designed for transfer of concrete and abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 1233 psi, Series SS201

8 Parts

Turf Master Water Delivery Hose, Series HSL
Turf Master Water Delivery Premium quality hose for general purpose water applications. Virgin PVC materials provide excellent flexibility at low temperatures.Lifetime manufacturing guarantee

6 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Corrugated Clear Suction Hose, Series 7563
Dynaflex PVC Corrugated Clear Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 170°F and 55 psi, Series 7563

5 Parts

SUPER MPT II Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7396
Super MPT II Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7396.

3 Parts

WILDCATTER Low Pressure Washdown Hose, Series 7360
Wildcatter Low Pressure Washdown Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7360

2 Parts

E-Z Form HT Flexible Resistant Suction Hose, High Temperature, Series 7399
E-Z Form HT Greek Corrugated High Temperature Oil Resistant Suction Hose is an extremely flexible, heat resistant hose designed for transfer of hot oil in engine applications to 302°F and 150 psi, Series 7399

10 Parts

Softwall Farm Pump Hose, Series 7175
Softwall Farm Pump Hose is designed to transfer refined fuels from gravity-feed storage tanks or powered dispensers to 180°F and 50 psi, Series 7175

2 Parts

Cropflex Extremely Flexible Medium Duty Hose,Series CFX
Cropflex Extremely flexible medium duty hose suitable for suction and low pressure delivery. For use on agricultural and chemical spraying equipment and also suitable for waste collection tankers and water delivery.

4 Parts

Obsolete: Ultra High Pressure water jetting Hose for ultra high pressure water jetting - 2841D
This product is not longer available from Parker, please refer to the recommended products for a replacement.

1 Part

Hardwall Furnace Door Coolant Suction Hose, Series 7386
Hardwall Furnace Door Coolant Suction Hose is designed for transfer of coolant water in high environmental temperature foundry applications to 212°F (internal)/572°F (external) and 150 psi, Series 7386

1 Part

Pesticide/Weedcide High Pressure Spray Hose,Series HPW
Pesticide/Weedcide Black covered heavy duty, high pressure spray hose suitable for most agricultural spray or domestic pesticide spray applications.

5 Parts


NEXSPRAY PVC/Urethane Spray Hose, Series 202
Nexspray PVC/Urethane Spray Hose is designed for high pressure spray/transfer of diluted hydrocarbon-based chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and water in applications to 150°F and 600 psi, Series 202

5 Parts

NEXBRAID PVC Potable Water By-Pass Hose, Series 128
Nexbraid PVC Potable Water By-Pass Hose is designed as a temporary conduit for water supply during construction, maintenance and repair of pipe to 150°F and 250 psi, Series 128

6 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Red 10 SM
Gambrinus Red 10 bar SM is a food grade beer and wine suction and transfer hose for fixed and mobile installation.

13 Parts

DRAGON BREATH Premium Compact Steam Hose, Series 7286C
Dragon Breath Premium Compact Steam Hose is designed for steam applications to 406°F for saturated steam at 261 psi and 450° for superheated steam at 250 psi, Series 7286C

3 Parts

Clear Vinyl Tubing,Series CVT
Clear Vinyl Tubing Suitable for food and beverage lines operating at low pressures, general purpose low pressure delivery lines, light siphon lines, cable protection and drainage lines. Conforms to AS/NZS 2070 for food contact requirements.

6 Parts

Oilflex Heavy Duty Suction Hose, Series OFX
For conveying petroleum products and derivatives, lubricating oils and various chemicals and sullage. Heavy duty oil suction blue. Made with Thermoplastic rubber for improved flexibility and durability.

3 Parts

NEXSPRAY PVC Spray Hose, Series 268
Nexspray PVC Spray Hose is designed for high pressure spray/transfer of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and water in applications to 150°F and 600 psi, Series 268

Where To Buy
0 Part

Automotive Air Braking Hose - Airbrake SAE J 1402-A
Airbrake SAE J 1402-A is designed for air brake circuits according to SAE J 1402-A specs.

2 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - E-Z Form HT
E-Z Form HT is high temperature petroleum-based oil suction/return hose designed and manufactured as a versatile, solution-driven product for OEM and aftermarket-related.

5 Parts

Brewers Hose, Series SS200
Brewers Hose is designed for transfer of beer and non-oily beverages and food in applications to 225°F and 350 psi, Series SS200

5 Parts

NEXSPRAY PVC/Urethane Spray Hose, Series 203
Nexspray PVC/Urethane Spray Hose is designed for high pressure spray/transfer of diluted hydrocarbon-based chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and water in applications to 150°F and 800 psi, Series 203

4 Parts

Anhydrous Ammonia Hose, Series 7262
Anhydrous Ammonia Hose is designed for transfer of anhydrous ammonia in applications to 180°F and 350 psi, Series 7262

6 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2448N - Europe
Parker 2448N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 103.5 MPa.

2 Parts

NEXBRAID PVC Clear Heavy Duty General Service Hose, Series 126
Nexbraid PVC Clear Heavy Duty General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, air, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 150°F and 350 psi, Series 126

7 Parts

Milkflex Food Contact Suction Hose, Series MFX
For non-toxic applications. Suitable for use as a milk tanker suction and delivery hose. Conforms to AS/NZS 2070 standards. Food contact clear with white helix.

2 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Cervino EN 12115
Cervino EN 12115 is a suction and delivery rubber hose for mineral oils and fuels to be used in the harshest cold climate conditions.

4 Parts

NEXAQUA PVC Clear Potable Water Hose, Series 162
Nexaqua PVC Clear Potable Water Hose is designed for transfer of potable water in camper and marine applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series 162

1 Part

Liquified propane gas and natural gas hose - 8LPG
Parker 8LPG Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For liquefied propane gas.

8 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Intonacatrici 40
Intonacatrici 40 bar is designed for delivery of plaster and abrasive materials either dry and wet in various industries and markets.

4 Parts

Nonreinforced Conduit Hose, Series 7338
Nonreinforced Conduit Hose is designed as a durable cable cover to 180°F, Series 7338

Where To Buy
0 Part

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose, Series EWC777
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose incorporates a 5/16” thick natural rubber tube for transfer of abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series EWC777

12 Parts

Single Line Welding and Scarfing Fuel Gas Hose, Series 7228T
Single Line Welding and Scarfing Fuel Gas Hose is designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases in applications to 200°F and 250 psi, Series 7228T

2 Parts

Concrete Placement Hose, Series 7236
Concrete Placement Hose is designed for transfer of concrete and wet abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 800 psi, Series 7236

1 Part

Spraychem Spraying Hose, Series SPW

Spraychem Specifically designed for use in pest control and agricultural chemical spray applications. Its lightweight construction, makes it suitable for most spraying applications, where flexibility and ease of handling is essential.

4 Parts

Silicone Extreme High Temperature Heater Hose, Series 6724
Silicone Extreme High Temperature Heater Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 500°F and 83 psi, Series 6724

12 Parts


Refrigerant hose meets SAE J 2064 standards
517PM Refrigerant hose is propreitory design and tested as per SAE J 2064 specification with abrasion & ozone resistant cover.

5 Parts

Food & Beverage Suction/Hot Air Hose, Series SW319
Food & Beverage Suction/Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in applications to 325°F and 250 psi, Series SW319

5 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2380N
Parker 2380N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

3 Parts

Deadman Twin Sensing Hose, Series 7138
Deadman Twin Sensing Hose is designed for transfer of air to operate sand blasting control system applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7138

Where To Buy
0 Part

NEXAQUA PVC White Potable Water Hose, Series 164
Nexaqua PVC White Potable Water Hose is designed for transfer of potable water in camper and marine applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series 164

2 Parts

Golden Eagle Hose with ColorGard - 2580M - Europe
Parker 2580M Golden Eagle Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

Deadman Twin Sensing Hose, Series 7139
Deadman Twin Sensing Hose is designed for transfer of air to operate aircraft fueling control system applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7139

1 Part

Tough Cover Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2448D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2448D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 325 MPa.

1 Part

Truck Coils, Fifth Wheel Slider
A Parker Fifth Wheel Slider Coil is a universal slider coil for a tractor-to-trailer connections.

2 Parts

Silicone High Temperature Coolant Hose, Series 6620
Silicone High Temperature Coolant Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment to 392°F and 250 psi, Series 6620

3 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax F EN 12115
Poliax F EN 12115 is a hose engineered to withstand extremely aggressive and dangerous fluids at high temperatures maximizing the performance and minimizing the potential risks.

8 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax Pharma
Poliax Pharma is a silicone flexible hose engineered for suction and delivery of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

7 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose for ultra-high pressure water jetting - 2848D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2848D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 320 MPa.

2 Parts

BS&W Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose, Series 7208E
BS&W Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose is designed to transfer petroleum waste, sediments, sludge, slurries and water in harsh oilfield waste pit recovery applications to 200°F and 150 psi, Series 7208E

Where To Buy
0 Part

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve, Series ES908
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve incorporates a 1/2” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of highly abrasive materials applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series ES908

15 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Calore Plus
Calore Plus is designed to handle and deliver hot water, non-aggressive hot liquids and steam (intermittent service) to a maximum temperature of 140 °C (+248 °F).

8 Parts

Silicone High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose, Series 6824
Silicone High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose is designed to connect, align and transfer the intake air from the charging system of heavy duty engine applications to 350°F and 25 psi, Series 6824

4 Parts

Aircraft Fueling Hose - Jetcord C ISO 1825
Jetcord C ISO 1825 is designed for the ground refueling of aircraft. It is not electrically bonded with an antistatic cover compound.

7 Parts

GOLD LABEL Aircraft Fueling Hose, Series 7776
Gold Label Aircraft Fueling Hose is designed for supply and transfer of aircraft fuels in applications to 180°F and 300 psi, Series 7776

7 Parts

WORT HOG Lightweight Brewers Hose, Series SS197
Wort Hog Lightweight Brewers Hose is designed for transfer of beer and non-oily beverages and food in applications to 225°F and 300 psi, Series SS197

Where To Buy
0 Part

CARBOBLUE Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Suction Hose, Series 7215
Carboblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Suction Hose is designed to transfer diesel exhaust fluid between storage tanks and powered dispensers to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7215

Where To Buy
0 Part

SIAMEEZ Grade RM Twin Line Welding Hose, Series 7110
Siameez Grade RM Twin Line Welding Hose is designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas and oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7110

2 Parts

Fuel Dispensing hose meets BS EN 1360. Series – BSPHPM
BSPHPM Fuel dispensing hose is made per the specification BSEN 1360 type 3, 2013. The hose is made for dispensing fuels like Petrol, Gasolene, Diesel.

4 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2440M
Parker 2440 M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

6 Parts

GOLD LABEL Jac-Riser Aircraft Fueling Suction Hose, Series 7777
Gold Label Jac-Riser Aircraft Fueling Suction Hose is designed for supply and transfer of aircraft fuels in applications to 180°F and 300 psi, Series 7777

4 Parts


Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose for ultra-high pressure water jetting - 2849D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2849D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 380 MPa.

1 Part

Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose with 316 Stainless Steel Braid - SCWV/SCBV
SCWV/SCBV Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hoses feature a heavier wall than SCW/SCB hoses, allowing them to handle vacuum applications at elevated temperatures.

18 Parts

NEXVA EVA Clear General Service Hose, Series 450
Nexva EVA Clear General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, anhydrous ammonia, chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, water and various media in applications to 125°F and 300 psi, Series 450

6 Parts

Blue Adflex Airline Hose,Series HAL
Blue Adflex Airline Flexible is a lightweight airline hose. It provides an economical alternative for users who do not require the higher working pressure of 10mm Chemair. Conforms to AS/NZS 2554 class B requirements.

1 Part

High pressure Hose Series - 2380M
Parker High Pressure 2380M Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 110 MPa.

2 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2380M - Europe
Parker 2380M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

2 Parts

GOLD LABEL Aircraft Fueling Hose, Series 7775
Gold Label Aircraft Fueling Hose is designed for supply and transfer of aircraft fuels in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7775

4 Parts

GOLD LABEL Cold Temperature Aircraft Fueling Hose, Series 7776CT
Gold Label Cold Temperature Aircraft Fueling Hose is designed for supply and transfer of aircraft fuels in applications to -55°F and 300 psi, Series 7776CT

7 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve, Series ES907
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve incorporates a 3/8” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of highly abrasive materials in dredging applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series ES907

15 Parts

Truck Coils, SliderCoil
SliderCoil assemblies are used between an adjustable rear trailer axle and the final point on a trailer chassis.

6 Parts

Automotive Fuel Hose - Series 395 SAE J30R7
Series 395 SAE J30R7 is designed to serve as fuel line/vapor emission hose in the majority of engines.

Where To Buy
0 Part

Polyurethane Recoil Hose -Series HUMCER
Parker HUMCE Recoil hose is polyurethane recoil with small recoil diameter and good impact resistance.

50 Parts

CNG -25 bar wire braided hose
CNG hose meets SAE J 30 R6. It’s a one wire braid with ozone resistant cover.

6 Parts

DuraGard Flame Resistant Polyurethane Hose - 83FR
The 83FR Flame Resistant Hose is Parker’s most durable, abrasion resistant, flame retardant multipurpose hose for air and water. It is MSHA accepted, UL94HB compliant and often used in robotic welding applications.

20 Parts

Sewer cleaning hose - ESH
Parker High Pressure ESH Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 25 MPa.

7 Parts

Flare-Seal Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose
Flare-Seal assemblies increase flow by providing smooth, clean connections and preventing bacterial entrapment. They are available with a stainless steel braid, polypropylene braid or other optional braids for fluid handling and paint applications.

36 Parts

High Temperature Hose Series
Parker High Temperature Hoses are developed for High Pressure cleaning applications, at working temperatures up to 100 °C (212 °F), combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. Working pressures up to 125 MPa.

4 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cergom
Cergom hose is a specialty product engineered to solve the toughest applications for abrasive material handling. Parker Patented

16 Parts

Metal Hose Assemblies
For applications with chemical and temperature extremes, either from media or atmosphere. Factory welded and ready to install, Parflex metal hose assemblies are leak-free, full vacuum hose solutions available in sizes up to 12" I.D. depending on style.

316 Parts

Oil & Fuel Hose - Pelican EN 1765 type S15
Pelican is a hose according to EN 1765 S15, specially designed for bunkering operations.
Pelican is tested and supplied with
Parker large bore crimped fittings to enable faster service. Not to be used with LPG and CNG.

7 Parts

Electrically Heated SCR Hose for DEF Transfer
SCR Hose Assemblies are designed for heating and conveying DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid; or AdBlue) throughout Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems. Parker's hoses are uniquely made with both an extruded sheath and an overmold for protection.

1 Part

NEXAQUA PVC Water Hose, Series 160
Nexaqua PVC Water Hose is designed for spray/transfer of water in applications to 150° and 150 psi, Series 160

Where To Buy
0 Part

NEXAQUA PVC Water Hose, Series 161
Nexaqua PVC Water Hose is designed for spray/transfer of water in applications to 150° and 100 psi, Series 161

1 Part

PVC Fire Extinguisher Booster Hose, Series 167
PVC Fire Extinguisher Booster Hose is designed for use in portable fire extinguisher units to 150°F and 250 psi, Series 167

2 Parts

High pressure wire hose Chemjec - 2240M - Europe
Parker 2240M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 Mpa.

1 Part


High pressure ChemJec hose - 2340M - Europe
Parker 2340M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2370M - Europe
Parker 2370M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2390M - Europe
Parker 2390M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 34.5 MPa.

2 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2640N
Parker 2640N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

1 Part

Silicone High Temperature Coolant Suction Hose, Series 6623
Silicone High Temperature Wire Reinforced Coolant Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 392°F and 300 psi, Series 6623

17 Parts

NEXSYN EPDM/TPV Hose, Series 715
Nexsyn EPDM/TPV Hose is designed for transfer of air, beverages, food, mild chemicals, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series 715

Where To Buy
0 Part

FLEX-EVER Barrier Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose, Series 7282
Flex-Ever Barrier Gasoline Dispenser Hose is designed for eco-friendly, low vapor permeation during the transfer of refined fuels from powered dispensers to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7282

3 Parts

CERGOM Severely Abrasive Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose, Series 8800
Cergom Severely Abrasive Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose incorporates a network of ceramic tiles embedded in the tube for long-lasting service in the transfer of extremely abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series 8800

1 Part

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Discharge Hose, Series ES104
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 175 psi, Series ES104

9 Parts

Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Discharge Hose, Series ES115
Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applicationsto 180°F and 100 psi, Series ES115

9 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Discharge Hose, Series ES145
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Discharge Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel in applications to 180°F and 300 psi, Series ES145

5 Parts

Custom Made Heavy Duty Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose, Series ES269
Custom Made Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose is designed as a flexible connection for exhaust systems to circulate, cool and transfer hot engine water and exhaust gases in marine engine applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series ES269

4 Parts

Elephant Trunk Large Diameter Custom Made Material Handling Hose, Series ES937
Elephant Trunk Large Diameter Custom Made Material Handling Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick rubber tube and is designed for gravity/drop service of abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 65 psi, Series ES937

17 Parts

Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Suction Hose, Series EW300
Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 125 psi, Series EW300

12 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Suction Hose, Series EW301
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EW301

9 Parts

EXACTA PIPE Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Suction Hose, Series EW336
Exacta Pipe Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Suction Hose incorporates a 1/4” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 100 psi, Series EW336

11 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose, Series EW339
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series EW339

4 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Tank Truck Hose, Series EW353
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Tank Truck Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EW353

3 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose, Series EW355
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 250 psi, Series EW355

5 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Hot Air Hose, Series EW360
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in applications to 300°F and 100 psi, Series EW360

8 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petrochemical Dock Hose, Series EW399
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petrochemical Dock Hose is designed for transfer of chemicals, oil and fuel to 100% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 250 psi, Series EW399

5 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Molten Sulphur Dock Hose, Series EW460
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Molten Sulphur Dock Hose is designed for transfer of hot molten sulphur in applications to 300°F and 200 psi, Series EW460

3 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Tar and Asphalt Dock Hose, Series EW499
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Tar and Asphalt Dock Hose is designed for transfer of hot asphalt, oil and tar in applications to 350°F and 200 psi, Series EW499

4 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose, Series EW708
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose incorporates a 3/8” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series EW708

17 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose, Series EW709
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose incorporates a ” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series EW709



Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose, Series EWC334
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick natural rubber tube for transfer of abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 135 psi, Series EWC334

8 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Corrugated Dock Hose, Series EWC439
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Corrugated Dock Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 225 psi, Series EWC439

5 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series EWC789
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 1/4” thick rubber tube for transfer of highly abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EWC789

4 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Standard Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series EWC888
Large Diameter Custom Made Standard Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick rubber tube for transfer of highly abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 75 psi, Series EWC888

5 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Fire Engine Suction Hose, Series LW701
Large Diameter HeavyDuty Custom Made Fire Engine Suction Hose is designed for water transfer inapplications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series LW701

7 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Corrugated Fire Engine Suction Hose, Series LW720
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Corrugated Fire Engine Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series LW720

6 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Oilfield Mud Suction Hose, Series TKW160
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Oilfield Mud Suction Hose is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive drilling mud in applications to 180°F and 100 psi, Series TKW160

5 Parts

WAVEMASTER Marine Barrier Fuel Line Hose, Series 7165
Wavemaster Marine Barrier Fuel Line Hose is designed for marine engine fuel line and venting in applications to 212°F and 100 psi, Series 7165

5 Parts

Paint Fluid Hose, Series 7108
Paint fluid hose is designed for transfer of high aromatic content products such as ketone solvents, lacquers, paint thinners, oil-based and water-based paints and many common chemicals used in applications to 200°F and 750 psi, Series 7108

3 Parts

Water Hose - Fucino 20
Fucino 20 bar is engineered to discharge water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a basic, durable lay flat hose.

5 Parts

Refrigerant Hose - 510A
Parker’s 510A Refrigerant Hose is compatible with most common hydraulic and refrigeration fluids.

2 Parts

Steam-Lance 250 Compact Steam Hose is designed for steam applications to 406°F for saturated steam at 261 psi and 450° for superheated steam at 250 psi

4 Parts

MPT II Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi

36 Parts

Day-Flo Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi

15 Parts

Translite Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of oil and refined fuels in applications to 200°F and 150 psi.

17 Parts

Steam-Lance 250 Steam Hose is designed for steam applications to 406°F for saturated steam at 261 psi and 450° for superheated steam at 250 psi

14 Parts

Super-Flex GS Large Diameter General Service Air & Water Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 212°F and 200 psi

6 Parts

Wildcatter Oilfield Petroleum Transport Discharge Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of oil and refined fuels in applications to 200°F and 250 psi

12 Parts

Wildcatter Corrugated Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of oil and refined fuels in applications to 200°F and 150 psi.

10 Parts

Titanflex Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of oil and refined fuels in applications to 200°F and 250 psi

13 Parts

Titanflex Modified XLPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose is designed for transfer of many industrial strength acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 250°F and 250 psi

13 Parts

Wildcatter Oilfield UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose is designed for transfer of many industrial strength acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 180°F and 250 psi

12 Parts

Low-Temperature Hydraulic Hose
Parker low temperature thermoplastic hydraulic hoses feature optimum performance in cold temperatures, especially for applications requiring flexibility in cold climates with temperatures as low as -70°F. Available as a single or bonded hose assembly.

12 Parts

Seamless Convoluted PTFE with Nomex Braid - NCW/NCB
PTFE hose with a nomex braid eliminates RFI issues and theyare also less susceptible to cracking from stress or flexing than metal hose assemblies.

10 Parts

OBSOLETE: Scuba Diving Breathing Air Hose - Diver 100 EN 250
This product is no longer available – please contact us for further assistance.

3 Parts


OBSOLETE: Air Hose - Miniera 40 bar
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

4 Parts

OBSOLETE: Water Hose - Aperflat MB
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

11 Parts

OBSOLETE: Hot Air Hose - Airtemp 220
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

5 Parts

OBSOLETE: Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Black SM 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Vapore 164 EN ISO 6134 Type 1/A
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

8 Parts

OBSOLETE: Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cement SM 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

OBSOLETE: Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cement 713 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

OBSOLETE: Liquid Gas Transfer Hose - Gastruck EN 1762 D-M
This product is no longer available – please contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

OBSOLETE: Aircraft Fueling Hose - Jetcord B ISO 1825
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Aircraft Refueling Hose - Jetcord E ISO 1825
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Ragusa 4
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

5 Parts

OBSOLETE: Liquid Gas Transfer Hose - Robur GPL
This product is no longer available – please contact us for further assistance.

9 Parts

OBSOLETE: Aircraft Refueling Hose - Jetcord F ISO 1825
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Air Hose - Miniera 10 bar
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

OBSOLETE: Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Inglas +
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

11 Parts

OBSOLETE: Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Oilplus 30
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2849D
Parker 2849D Hoses are developed for ultra high pressure water jet cutting equipment with water or with abrasive additives.

1 Part

Black Eagle Light Cementing Hose
The PA11 core tube offers the highest resistance to abrasion and ensures a superior service life for the hose. Handles pressures up to 5,000 psi.

2 Parts

Tough Cover Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2440D/2448D
Parker Water Jetting Hoses handle pressures up to 43,000 psi (3000 bar)

6 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Hose - 2440N/2448N
Parker high pressure 2840N/2848N hoses feature a methanol-washed core tube for improved performance in well stimulation.

6 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2640D
Ultra High Pressure 2640D waterblast hoses handles pressures up to 40,600 psi (4,000 bar).

2 Parts

High Pressure Tube Cleaning - Water Blast Hose - 2240D/2248D
High Pressure 2240D/2248D Hoses are developed for high and ultra high pressure applications

7 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2740D/2748D/2749D
Parker ultra high pressure hose handles pressures up to 43,365 psi (3,010 bar).

4 Parts

Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2840D/2848D
Parker 2840D and 2848D hoses are developed for high and ultra high pressure applications handling pressures up to 58,000 psi (4,000 bar).

4 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2440N
Parker 2440N waterblast hoses operate up to 20,000 psi (1400 bar) and are ideal for hydrodemolition applications.

5 Parts


Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2022N
Parker 2022N 10,000 psi hose is a constant pressure hose designed for hydraulic

5 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2380N/2388N
Parker 2380N/2388N high pressure hydraulic hoses feature low volumetric expansion and are available as a twinline hose.

12 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2390N
Parker 7,000 psi hydraulic hoses feature low dimensional change under pressure resulting in excellent response times.

10 Parts

Small Bore High Pressure Mini Hydraulic Hose – 2020N
Parker high pressure mini hydraulic hoses feature a compact hose O.D. for use in mini-hydraulic applications under 7,000 psi.

2 Parts

ChemJec Hydraulic Umbilical Hose - 2440M/2448M/2640M
Chemjec hydraulic umbilical hoses feature excellent chemical resistance and are rated for pressures up to 15,000 psi.

8 Parts

Golden Eagle Chemical Injection Hose/Acidizing Hose
Parker chemical injection hoses and acidizing hoses feature long continuous lengths (up to 1000 m), superior chemical resistance and are rated for pressures up to 10,000 psi

2 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2380N/2388N
Parker 2380N/2388N waterblast hoses operate up to 18,000 psi (1200 bar) and are ideal for dirt and paint removal.

3 Parts

Small Diameter Hose- 515H
Parker hose 515H is lightweight, low pressure and MSHA accepted. This thermoplastic hose features a reduced O.D. and tighter bend radius that can transport the same flow capacity as a large diameter hose.

2 Parts

Parker Hydraulic Hose – 520N/528N
Parker's 520N/528N Thermoplastic Hydraulic Hose features optimum hose performance in a 100R8 hose that significantly reduces the chance of pin-hole failures.

11 Parts

General Purpose Hydraulic Hose with Matte Cover - 540N
540N hose is the optimum solution for applications that involve the conveyance of fluids, gases and other media. Hose features excellent chemical compatibility and the ability to handle a greater range of fluid compatibility than competing hoses.

7 Parts

57CR Series "Sea Wolf" High Collapse Resistant Hose 5000 psi
High collapse resistant hose for offshore oilfield exploration and production applications requiring internal pressure resistance and external pressure support

4 Parts

High Pressure Hose - 580N/588N
The 580N/588N High Pressure Flexible Hose meets SAE 100R8 specifications and offers a smaller O.D. and lighter weight than the 100R2, replacing 100R2 rubber hose wherever greater flexibility, fluid compatibility, and cover durability are required.

9 Parts

ToughJacket 590TJ Abrasion Resistant Hydraulic Hose
The TOUGHJACKET 590TJ compact hydraulic hose features working pressures from 5000-2000 psi, long continuous lengths (up to 500 feet) and is qualified to use with 56 Series Global Fittings.

9 Parts

Compressed Natural Gas Hose - Electrically Conductive - 5CNG
Parflex's global presence in the CNG market for natural gas vehicles and fueling stations allow OEM revenue growth by selling into multiple geographies given the CSA (NA) and ECR (EMEA) approvals on CNG Hose.

5 Parts

Compressed Natural Gas Hose - Regulated Pressure - CNGRP
Parflex CNGRP hose is the only fully CSA listed fluid conveyance system that is flexible. The flexibility of the product provides reduced warranty costs versus stainless steel tubing in vibration/movement applications.

2 Parts

D6R/D6RX 3,000 psi Hydraulic Hose - Long Continuous Lengths
D6R/D6RX hose exceeds SAE 100R17 and is MSHA accepted. D6RX hose features one piece, long length reels for less scrap and increased assembly production. Available as a single or twin line hose assembly.

7 Parts

Thermoplastic Hose - HFSR Rubber-Covered Hose
HFSR rubber covered compact hose resists kinking and core washout and meets SAE 100R1AT requirements with working pressures from 3263 to 1276 psi.

5 Parts

PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose Assemblies
Parker's PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose Assemblies have exceptional chemical compatibility, resist moisture, and handle pressures as high as 5,500 psi. They are designed for use in high temperature hydraulics and chemical transfer applications

11 Parts

Eliminator Hybrid Hose - HTB/HTBR
Parflex HTB Eliminator Hybrid Hose excels in 7000 psi hydraulic hose applications.

6 Parts

594TJ TOUGHJACKET is a 4,000 psi constant pressure hose featuring maximum abrasion resistance that meets SAE 100R19 performance requirements.

5 Parts

Obsolete: Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2741D
This product is not longer available from Parker, please refer to the recommended products for a replacement.

1 Part

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2340N-24
Viable alternative to welded piping that requires costly labor & inspection and industrial grades of rubber hydraulic hose that are not designed or certified for subsea service.

1 Part

OBSOLETE: Smoothbore Fluoropolymer Hose with EPDM Rubber Cover - RCTW/RCTB
Note: This product is no longer available - please contact us for further assistance.

18 Parts



美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

E-mail:sales@cnmec.biz fcg.cnmec@parkerdistribution.com.cn
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