

Since 2007



喷水软管Water Blast Hose


派克是制造喷水软管的市场 者,这些产品具有高效率,可靠的处理方式和出色的安全标准。我们的喷水软管产品提供了在超高压和高温下运行的能力,并符合严格的行业安全标准。这些喷水软管具有出色的处理性能,并被证明可以提高操作员的效率。它们还减少了停机时间并延长了使用寿命,使其适合许多主要工业市场的广泛应用。Parker are market leaders for the manufacture of water blast hoses that deliver high efficiency, reliable handling, and excellent safety standards. Our water blaster hose products offer the capability to operate under ultra-high pressures and high temperatures and comply with stringent industry safety standards. These water blast hoses have excellent handling characteristics and are proven to enhance operator efficiency. They also reduce downtime and provide extended service life, making them suitable for use for a wide range of applications across many of the major industrial markets.


带ColorGard 的黑鹰软管-2580N-欧洲
用于石油和天然气行业的Parker软管2580N Black Eagle专为安全性,多功能性和效率而设计,可满足市场的苛刻要求和期望。用于最高69 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2440D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高220 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2440N软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高140 MPa的工作压力。


用于石油和天然气行业的Parker 2440N软管专为安全性,多功能性和效率而设计,可满足市场的苛刻要求和期望。适用于最高86.5 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2740D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高300 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2388N软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高80 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2640N软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高180 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2640D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高280 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2840D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高400 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2748D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高280 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2749D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于高达301 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2240D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高120 MPa的工作压力。


用于石油和天然气行业的Parker 2022N软管专为安全性,多功能性和效率而设计,可满足市场的苛刻要求和期望。适用于最高34.5 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2648N软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高160 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2248D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高150 MPa的工作压力。




用于石油和天然气行业的Parker 2380N软管专为安全性,多功能性和效率而设计,可满足市场的苛刻要求和期望。用于最高69 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2448D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于高达325 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2848D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高320 MPa的工作压力。


Parker高压2849D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于高达380 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压2380M软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高110 MPa的工作压力。


用于石油和天然气行业的Parker 2380M软管专为安全性,多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的苛刻要求和期望。用于最高69 MPa的工作压力。


派克高压ESH软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发,将出色的操作性和长使用寿命与卓越的安全标准相结合。适用于最高25 MPa的工作压力。


派克高温软管专为高压清洁应用而开发,在高达100°C(212°F)的工作温度下,具有出色的操作性和较长的使用寿命以及卓越的安全标准。工作压力高达125 MPa。


用于石油和天然气行业的Parker 2640N软管专为安全性,多功能性和效率而设计,符合市场的苛刻要求和期望。适用于最高86.5 MPa的工作压力。

坚韧的超高压水喷射软管-2440D / 2448D
派克喷水软管可承受高达43,000 psi(3000 bar)的压力




超高压2640D喷水软管可承受高达40,600 psi(4,000 bar)的压力。


高压喷水软管-2640N / 2648N
Parker 2640N / 2648N超高压软管可承受高达26,000 psi(1,800 bar)的压力。


高压管清洗-喷水软管-2240D / 2248D
高压2240D / 2248D软管专为高压和超高压应用而开发


超高压喷水软管-2740D / 2748D / 2749D
派克超高压软管可承受高达43365 psi(3,010 bar)的压力。


超高压喷水软管-2840D / 2848D
Parker 2840D和2848D软管专为处理高达58,000 psi(4,000 bar)的高压和超高压应用而开发。


Parker 2440N喷水软管的工作压力高达20,000 psi(1400 bar),是加氢爆破应用的理想选择。


超高压喷水软管-2380N / 2388N
Parker 2380N / 2388N喷水软管的最高工作压力为18,000 psi(1200 bar),非常适合去除污垢和油漆。


Parker 2849D软管是为用水或磨料添加剂的超高压水射流切割设备而开发的。



Black Eagle Hose with ColorGard - 2580N - Europe
Parker Hoses 2580N Black Eagle for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

Tough Cover Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2440D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2440D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 220 MPa.

9 Parts

Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2440N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2440N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 140 MPa.

4 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2440N
Parker 2440N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

8 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2740D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2740D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 300 MPa.

4 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2388N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2388N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 80 MPa.

3 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose - 2640N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2640N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 180 MPa.

3 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose - 2640D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2640D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 280 MPa.

4 Parts

Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Hose for Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting - 2840D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2840D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 400 MPa.

3 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2748D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2748D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 280 MPa.

2 Parts

Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2749D
Parker High Pressure 2749D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 301 MPa.

2 Parts

High Pressure Hose Series - 2240D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2240D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 120 MPa.

4 Parts

High pressure aramid hose - 2022N - Europe
Parker 2022N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 34.5 MPa.

7 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose -2648N
Parker High Pressure 2648N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 160 MPa.

2 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2248D
Parker High Pressure 2248D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 150 MPa.

3 Parts

Obsolete: Ultra High Pressure water jetting Hose for ultra high pressure water jetting - 2841D
This product is not longer available from Parker, please refer to the recommended products for a replacement.

1 Part

High pressure wire hose - 2380N
Parker 2380N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

3 Parts

Tough Cover Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2448D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2448D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 325 MPa.

1 Part

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose for ultra-high pressure water jetting - 2848D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2848D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 320 MPa.

2 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose for ultra-high pressure water jetting - 2849D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2849D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 380 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure Hose Series - 2380M
Parker High Pressure 2380M Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 110 MPa.

2 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2380M - Europe
Parker 2380M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

2 Parts

Sewer cleaning hose - ESH
Parker High Pressure ESH Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 25 MPa.

7 Parts

High Temperature Hose Series
Parker High Temperature Hoses are developed for High Pressure cleaning applications, at working temperatures up to 100 °C (212 °F), combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. Working pressures up to 125 MPa.

4 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2640N
Parker 2640N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.


Tough Cover Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2440D/2448D
Parker Water Jetting Hoses handle pressures up to 43,000 psi (3000 bar)

6 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2580N
High Pressure 2580N waterblast hoses are developed for ultra high pressure cleaning applications.

3 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2640D
Ultra High Pressure 2640D waterblast hoses handles pressures up to 40,600 psi (4,000 bar).

2 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2640N/2648N
Parker 2640N/2648N ultra high pressure hoses handle pressures up to 26,000 psi (1,800 bar).

4 Parts

High Pressure Tube Cleaning - Water Blast Hose - 2240D/2248D
High Pressure 2240D/2248D Hoses are developed for high and ultra high pressure applications

7 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2740D/2748D/2749D
Parker ultra high pressure hose handles pressures up to 43,365 psi (3,010 bar).

4 Parts

Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2840D/2848D
Parker 2840D and 2848D hoses are developed for high and ultra high pressure applications handling pressures up to 58,000 psi (4,000 bar).

4 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2440N
Parker 2440N waterblast hoses operate up to 20,000 psi (1400 bar) and are ideal for hydrodemolition applications.

5 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2380N/2388N
Parker 2380N/2388N waterblast hoses operate up to 18,000 psi (1200 bar) and are ideal for dirt and paint removal.

3 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2849D
Parker 2849D Hoses are developed for ultra high pressure water jet cutting equipment with water or with abrasive additives.

1 Part

Obsolete: Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2741D
This product is not longer available from Parker, please refer to the recommended products for a replacement.

1 Part


美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

E-mail:sales@cnmec.biz fcg.cnmec@parkerdistribution.com.cn
电话:010-8428 2935, 8428 9077, 8428 3983
手机:139 101 22694
传真:010-8428 8762

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